The Green and Blue Spaces Strategy, December, 2007

The PDF of this report from  2007 may be viewed in it’s entirety here:

Note in particular: page 4 : TYPES OF GREEN and BLUE SPACES

part 5. Marine Areas.

a. Nearshore marine areas: These areas  occur along the coastlines of Metchosin. They are productive nursery areas and habitat for marine life, and include eelgrass beds, kelp beds, and subtitle rocky areas.

b. Marine shorelines: these are areas of natural shoreline on land. They are an important part of the scenic character of the community, contain recreational trails or beach access points, and provide a buffer between buildings and natural dynamic processes such as shoreline erosion. Examples include rocky marine shorelines and beaches [especially between Helberg had and church island], tidal lagoons, estuaries and offshore islands.

Under recommendations  —Municipal governments:

  •   while Metchosin has no formal management responsibility for nearshore marine areas, we should continue to acquire and maintain inventories of these areas, and have municipal input into provincial and federal government decisions regarding their management.
  • Recognize the importance of and encourage the protection and restoration of Metchosin’s natural shoreline.

Link: The CRD Blue-Green report