5.6 Aquaculture for a Sustainable Food Supply

Not all aquaculture is bad, and it is certainly necessary if we are to provide for the demand for seafood products. In the literature referenced, the principles of sustainability are emphasized. Reference 9 below gives the statistics of aquaculture products in BC. Polyculture methods used in some third world countries should also be considered as it helps to tie in with the global perspective.. It also helps to fulfillĀ  mandates of the earth charter.

References for resources:

1.Indicators for the Sustainability of Aquaculture. D Pauly


2. Sustainable Organic Aquaculture: http://www.aquanet.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=259&Itemid=44

3. Duckweed Farming: http://www.p2pays.org/ref/09/08875.htm#Section%202%20-%20Duckweed%20farming

4. Sustainable Marine Aquaculture, Jan 2007.


5. DFO video on Sustainable Aquaculture…. Bamfield example.


http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Aquaculture/multimedia/video /gain_net_e.wmv

6. DFO- Pacific


7. Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture: http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/aquaculture/innovation_e.htm#2

8. BC -Report of the Special Committee on Sustainable Aquaculture.


9. Aquaculture Statistics in BC


10. Replacement of Fish Meal with Replacement of Fish Meal with Plant Proteins in Diets for Plant Proteins in Diets for Summer Flounder http://www.hboi.edu/aqua/downloads/pdf/conf07/bengston.pdf

abstract: http://www.hboi.edu/aqua/downloads/pdf/conf07/abstract_bengston.pdf

5.7 The Need for Protected Areas

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