Role Models and Leaders in the promotion of Marine Environmental Sustainability.
To highlight from the page on sustainability: One way to have continuity of this theme may be to choose 10 individuals who are working to achieve sustainability of marine resources. Profile individuals who are “doing sustainability” in their professional or personal lives.
BC examples are:
- Dr. Pauly: see Fishing Down Food webs
- Dr.Kai Chan: Ecosystem Services
- Ramona de Graaf Forage Fish Protection
- Dr. Andrew Weaver: Climate Change
- Tom Sampson: First Nations Marine History and Culture
- Dr.Bill Reese and his work on the Ecological Footprint.
The list should be very broad and could include
community leaders
school children with salmon enhancement or storm drain marking projects
enhancement societies
First Nations Elders
By profiling such people, the concept of everyone’s own role in personal responsibility for these issues may be highlighted In the takeaways section on getting involved in Issues of marine sustainability are outlined.