Environmental System
Lester Pearson College
Garry Fletcher
BACKGROUND: A class discussion on the problems that organisms have in adapting to the habitats of Brackish water ecosystems.
1.Reading: Biology of Marine Life by Sumich (look up and discuss the reference to Stenohaline and Euryhaline organisms)
Using the graphical information about the distribution of Amphipods, design a protocol to test the model here in the esturary of Pedder bay. Examine water samples from a number of Estuarine locations.
2. Look for invertebrates in some of the following possible locations:
Strand line of Pedder Bay at Weir Point.
Estuary of “Garry’s Creek”
Strand Line of Taylor Beach
Estuary of Witty’s Lagoon
Estuary of salmon enhancement stream in Pedder Bay
3. Document the presence of plant species in the estuarine conditions. Several methods will be suggested to quantify their distribution. Identification pictures are available to help with the species. When you have decided how to portray the distribution of Plant Species, discuss this with your teacher and then proceed.