- The DND has placed concrete blocks along a pocket pebble beach shoreline. Presumably the purpose is to prevent erosion of a roadway that comes close to the berm. Unfortunately such solid seawall structures may induce scouring of beach materials as waves hit with an impact on the seaward side.
- DND blasting occurs for the testing of explosives on the central isthmus of the three lobes of Bentinck Island.
- Small DND floating dock with minimum impact. Overwintering water fowl favor this protected inner habitat. Buffleheads, and Western Grebe are common winter residents. See the Christmas Bird Count records of this area:
- DND dock. Concrete dols mitigate the problems usually caused by leaching of contaminants of carcinogenic contaminants from creosote treated dols. The house at the head of the dock was once used by the doctor and nursing staff of the Leper Colony.
- DND demolition occurs close to the shoreline in Eemdyk passage. This location is used for ordinance disposal.
- Burning by DND February 2013. near the beach
Bentinck island is used by the Department of National Defense as both a demolition range and a testing range for explosives. On the South end of Rocky Point there is a disposal pit where other demolition occurs, and in Whirl Bay, behind Christopher Point, there is an underwater test site. The size of the explosions is supposed to be monitored and controlled , however, we invariable get widely varying impacts.