Metchosin BioBlitz Observations by Garry Fletcher and Sandra______on April 27, 2013 on the floodplane and estuary of Gooch Creek, on the 4645 William Head Road Property.
- Vertical erosion bank at toe of bluffs
- Fresh water seeps at base of cliff
- Team of Bryologists and Kem Luther examining habitat of Crumia sp.
- Mosses growing in Fresh water seep.
- The mosses Pholia sp.and Crumia sp.
- Mute swans– feed off Taylor beach , nest in Sherwood pond.
Also see pictures in two other galleries below.
Agelaius phoeniceus | Red-winged blackbird | Vertebrate | Bird | nests in reeds and cattails | |
Haliaeetus leucocephalus | Bald eagle | Vertebrate | Bird | nests in south forest | |
Phragmites australis subsp. americanus | Common Reed | Vascular plant | Forb | In swamp/floodplane | |
Lysichiton americanus | Skunk cabbage | Vascular plant | Forb | In swamp/floodplane | |
Lemna minor | Common Duckweed | Vascular plant | Forb | In swamp/floodplane | |
Maianthemum dilatatum | False lily-of-the-valley | Vascular plant | Forb | In swamp/floodplane | |
Oenanthe sarmentosa | Pacific water-parsley | Vascular plant | Forb | In swamp/floodplane | |
Potentilla anserina | silverweed | Vascular plant | Forb | In swamp/floodplane | |
Triglochin maritimum | sea arrow-grass | Vascular plant | Forb | In swamp/floodplane | |
Typha latifolia | Cattail | Vascular plant | Forb | In swamp/floodplane | |
Ambrosia chamissonis | Silver Burweed | Vascular plant | Forb | In swamp/floodplane | |
Rumex crispus | Curled Dock | Vascular plant | Forb | In swamp/floodplane | |
Sonchus asper | Prickly sow thistle | Vascular plant | Forb | Wooded greenspace near marsh | |
Phalaris arundinacea | Canary reedgrass | Vascular plant | Grass | introduced | In swamp/floodplane |
Distichlis spicata | seashore saltgrass | Vascular plant | Grass | In swamp/floodplane | |
Ariolimax columbianus | Banana slug | Invertebrate | Mollusc | In swamp/floodplane | |
Juncus effusus L | Bog rush | Vascular plant | Reed | invasive in pasture | |
Cornus stolonifera | red osier dogwood | Vascular plant | Shrub | Wooded greenspacenear marsh | |
Physocarpus capitatus | Pacific Ninebark | Vascular plant | Shrub | Wooded greenspace near marsh | |
Oemleria cerasiformis | Indian plum | Vascular plant | Shrub | Wooded greenspace near marsh | |
Rosa nutkana | Nootka rose | Vascular plant | Shrub | Wooded greenspace near marsh | |
Rubus armeniacus | Himalayan blackberry | Vascular plant | Shrub | introduced | Wooded greenspace near marsh |
Rubus spectabilis | Salmonberry | Vascular plant | Shrub | Wooded greenspace near marsh | |
Malus fusca | Pacific crab apple | Vascular plant | Tree | Wooded greenspace near marsh | |
Salix hookeriana | Hooker’s willow | Vascular plant | Tree | Wooded greenspace near marsh | |
Salix scouleriana | Scouler’s willow | Vascular plant | Tree | Wooded greenspace near marsh | |
Abies grandis | Grand fir | Vascular plant | Tree | Wooded greenspace near marsh | |
Alnus rubra | Red alder | Vascular plant | Tree | Wooded greenspace near marsh | |
Acer macrophyllum | Bigleaf maple | Vascular plant | Tree | Wooded greenspace near marsh | |
Pinus contorta | Shore pine | Vascular plant | Tree | Wooded greenspace near marsh | |
Prunus emarginata | Bitter cherry | Vascular plant | Tree | Wooded greenspace near marsh | |
Pseudotsuga mensiesii | Douglas-fir | Vascular plant | Tree | Wooded greenspace near marsh | |
Salix sitchensis | Sitka willow | Vascular plant | Tree | Wooded greenspace near marsh |
- Sand rose anemone–Urticina columbiana
- Isopods under rock–Idotea wosnesenskii,
- Purple shore crab–Hemigrapsus nudus
- Red banded bamboo worm–Axiothella rubrocicta,
- Possibly a juvenile sunfower star.
- stone-encrusted burrow of a tube-worm
- A green version of the mottled star, Evasterias sp.
- The sea star Evasterias eating Mopalia chitons.
- Mossy Chiton–Mopalia muscosa
- Sea oats, egg cases of the Whelk.
- Littorine snails–Littorina sitkana form masses on upper intertidal rocks
- Tubeworm under rocks
- Thelepus crispus –Curly-head Spaghetti Worm
- limpet
- The sponge Ophlitaspongia pennata with the nudibranch Rostaga pulchra
- The nudibranch Rostanga.
- Tube worm: on undersides of boulders. Eudistylia vancouveri,
- decorator crab, Oregonia gracilis .
- 6-armed sea star, Leptasterias hexactis
- The red algae with holes–Sparlingia pertusa
- Red algae.
- Brown Algae
- The edible seweed Porphyra.
- Halosaccion and Ulva attached to a third algae.
- 6-armed seastar, Leptasterias hexactis and tubeworm.
- Purple star–Pisaster ochracea
- Seaweed covered boulders at the cliff base.
- Boulder beach at the foot of Taylor Bluffs
- Conglomerate rock glacial erratic
- Sea lion skeleton on beach.
Taylor Beach from Gooch Creek north to Sea Bluffs, up as far as the large Glacial Erratic Conglomerate rock
Includes offshore, low intertidal boulder beach, sand beach, upper beach berm and toe of cliffs,
Axiothella rubrocicta | Red-banded bamboo worm | Invertebrate | Annelid | under intertidal rocks | |
Halosydna brevisetosa | 18 scaled worm | Invertebrate | Annelid | under intertidal rocks | |
Thelepus crispus | Curly-head Spaghetti Worm | Invertebrate | Annelid | under intertidal rocks | |
Semibalanus cariosus | Thantched barnacle | Invertebrate | Arthropod | low intertidal | |
Balanus glandula | Acorn barnacle | Invertebrate | Arthropod | low intertidal | |
Chorilia longipes | decorator crab | Invertebrate | Arthropod | upper intertidal | |
Idotea wosnesenskii | Rockweed isopod | Invertebrate | Arthropod | 6 (3-4 cm) breeding under one rock | |
Pagurus sp | Hermit Crab | Invertebrate | Arthropod | under intertidal rocks | |
Telmessus cheiragonus | Helmet Crab | Invertebrate | Arthropod | carapace on low intertidal | |
Oregonia gracilis | Decorator Crab | Invertebrate | Arthropod | under intertidal rocks | |
Gammarus sp. | Beach hopper | Invertebrtate | Arthropod | beach | |
Cancer magister | Dungeness crab | Invertebrate | Arthropod | low intertidal | |
Hemigrapsus nudus | Purple Shore Crab | Invertebrate | Arthropod | under intertidal rocks | |
Semibalanus cariosus | Thatched barnacle | Invertebrate | Arthropod | ow on intertidal boulders | |
Cancer productus | Red rock crab | Invertebrate | Arthropod | low intertidal | |
Corvus caurinus | Northwestern crow | Vertebrate | Bird | on beach | |
Bucephala albeola | Bufflehead | Vertebrate | Bird | offshore 10 metres | |
Callipepla californica | California Quail | Vertebrate | Bird | introduced | call heard |
Cygnus olor | Mute swan | Vertebrate | Bird | introduced | feeding off shore, nest at Sherwood Pond |
Larus glaucescens | Glaucous-winged gull | Vertebrate | Bird | on beach | |
Passerella iliaca | Fox sparrow | Vertebrate | Bird | on beach | |
Vaucheria species2 | Algae | Chlorophyta | in seeps at toe of cliff in spray zone | ||
Rhizoclonium riparium | Algae | Chlorophyta | in seeps at toe of cliff in spray zone | ||
Ulva lactuca | Sea lettuce | Algae | Cholorophyta | low intertidal | |
Acrosiphonia coalita | Algae | Algae | Cholorophyta | low intertidal | |
Anthopleura elegantissima | Aggregating anemone | Invertebrate | Cnidaria | low intertidal | |
Urticina grebelnyi | Painted Anemone | Invertebrate | Cnidaria | under intertidal rocks | |
Urticina columbiana | sand rose anemone | Invertebrate | Cnidaria | several individuals in sand bank at low tide | |
Henricia leviuscula | blood star | Invertebrate | Echinoderm | low intertidal | |
Evasterias troschelii | Mottled star | Invertebrate | Echinoderm | odd green colored one found as well | |
Leptasterias hexactis | Six armed sea star | Invertebrate | Echinoderm | under intertidal rocks | |
Pycnopodia helianthoides | Sunflower Star | Invertebrate | Echinoderm | juvenile | |
Cucumaria miniata | orange sea cucumber | Invertebrate | Echinoderm | under intertidal rocks | |
Oligocottus maculosus | Tidepool sculpin | Vertebrate | Fish | under intertidal rocks | |
Pholis sp. | Gunnel | Vertebrate | Fish | under intertidal rocks | |
Achillea millefolium | yarrow | Vascular plant | Forb | upper beach | |
Cakile edentula | American searocket | Vascular plant | Forb | upper beach | |
Equisetum hyemale | scouring rush | Vascular plant | Forb | on cliff face | |
Galium aparine | Cleavers | Vascular plant | Forb | upper beach | |
Lathyrus japonicus | beach pea | Vascular plant | Forb | upper beach | |
Epilobium sp. | small willow herb | Vascular plant | Forb | on cliff face | |
Heuchera chlorantha | meadow alumroot | Vascular plant | Forb | Toe of cliff face | |
Elymus mollis | dunegrass | Vascular plant | Grass | upper beach | |
Zostera marina | Eel grass | Vascular plant | Grass | drift on beach | |
Lontra canadensis | River Otter | Vertebrate | Mammal | upper beach | |
Littorina sitkana | Periwinkel | Invertebrate | Mollusc | upper intertidal-extensive beds | |
Nucella canaliculata | chaneled dog winkle | Invertebrate | Mollusc | lower intertidal | |
Tectura persona | Mask Limpet | Invertebrate | Mollusc | lower intertidal | |
Lottia pelta | Shield Limpet | Invertebrate | Mollusc | under intertidal rocks | |
Rostanga pulchra | Red Nudibranch | Invertebrate | Mollusc | extensive on Ophlitaspogia | |
Tectura scutum | Shield limpet | Invertebrate | Mollusc | under intertidal rocks | |
Lotia ochracea | limpet | Invertebrate | Mollusc | under intertidal rocks | |
Mopalia muscosa | Mossy Chiton | Invertebrate | Mollusc | under intertidal rocks | |
Tonicella lineata | Lined Chiton | Invertebrate | Mollusc | under intertidal rocks | |
Nucella lamellosa | limpet | Invertebrate | Mollusc | ow on intertidal boulders | |
Brachythecium frigidum | golden short capsule moss | Bryophyte | moss | in seeps at toe of cliff in spray zone | |
Crumia latifolia | wideleaf crumia moss | Bryophyte | moss | rare | in seeps at toe of cliff in spray zone |
Pohlia nutans | pholia moss | Bryophyte | moss | in seeps at toe of cliff in spray zone | |
Cymanthere triplicata | Algae | Phaeophyta | Phaeophyta | lower intertidal | |
Desmarestia accueleata | Algae | Phaeophyta | Phaeophyta | lower intertidal | |
Alaria marginata | Alaria | Algae | Phaeophyta | low intertidal | |
Fucus distichus | Rockweed | Algae | Phaeophyta | low intertidal | |
Laminaria setchellii | Kelp | Algae | Phaeophyta | low intertidal | |
Nereocystis leutkeana | Bull Kelp | Algae | Phaeophyta | drift on beach | |
Leathesia marina | Algae | Algae | Phaeophyta | low intertidal | |
Saccharina groenlandica | Algae | Algae | Phaeophyta | low intertidal | |
Mazzaella splendens | irridescent red Algae | Algae | Phaeophyta | low intertidal | |
Eudistylia vancouveri | Feather duster worm | Invertebrate | Polychaete | under intertidal rocks | |
Haliclona sp. | Purple encrusting sponge | Invertebrate | Porifera | low intertidal | |
Halichondria sp. | Yellow encrusting sponge | Invertebrate | Porifera | under intertidal rocks | |
Ophlitaspongia pennata | Red Encrusting Sponge | Invertebrate | Porifera | extensive | |
Corallina vancouveriensis | Coralline Algae | Algae | Rhodophyta | drift on beach | |
Mastocarpus papillatus | Algae | Rhodophyta | low intertidal | ||
Porphyra sp. | Nori | Algae | Rhodophyta | low intertidal | |
Odonthalia floccosa | Algae | Rhodophyta | low intertidal | ||
Sparlingia pertusa | Algae | Algae | Rhodophyta | low intertidal | |
Mazzaella splendens | Algae | Algae | Rhodophyta | low intertidal | |
Osmundia spectabilis | Algae | Algae | Rhodophyta | low intertidal | |
Halosaccion glandiforme | Sea sac | Algae | Rhodophyta | low intertidal | |
Cytisus scoparius | Scotch broom | Vascular plant | Shrub | upper beach | |
Hedera helix | English Ivy | Vascular plant | Shrub | introduced | on cliff face |
Ulex europaeus | gorse | Vascular plant | Shrub | introduced | upper beach |
Rubus ursinus | Trailing Blackberry | Vascular plant | Shrub | Toe of cliff face |
- Maple Canopy near swamp
- Big-Leaf Maple flowers
- Equisetum growing on cliff
- Possibly a trailing black currant–Ribes laxiflorum
- Sedge at edge of Gooch creek marsh
- Salmonberry at edge of Gooch creek marsh.