Environment of our shoreline

Background: The reason I started this website was that after working for many years teaching about  Marine Ecology and using many parts of the Shoreline of Metchosin as venues for my Field trips with students, and after working on the Metchosin Environmental Advisory Committee, helping to plan around marine issues for the Official Community Plan, and other shoreline local environment reports,  I had a feeling that many of the residents of Metchosin are very unaware of the unique environment we have here and the value of its Natural Capital, or those features  which cannot be easily monetized but which we depend on and value and believe should remain unchanged and sustainable for the long term future.

southislandI divided the Metchosin Coastline into 8 sectors to show the maps and images and features of each area along with the human-caused impacts of some areas.
Start on this Index Page: https://metchosinmarine.ca/mapindex.htm



WCVI07_1242Slide show of the Coast of Metchosin from Beecher Bay to Albert Head.  The helicopter tour images were part of a study by GEO BC — John Harper provided access to the images . This demonstrates the relatively unspoiled nature of this region


Bucephala albeola (bufflehead)Biodiversity of the Metchosin Coastline:
Mammals, Birds, Fish, Invertebrates, shoreline terrestrial plants and Marine algae comprize a rich assembly of the organisms present on our shores.




The Geology of our Coastline reflects a complex chain of past geological events. Images of special geological features which we most likely take for granted, have a fascinating history.



The Natural Capital and Ecosystem Services of Metchosin’s Coastline



sharing our shorelinesSharing our Shorelines: The Shoreline Brochure of the District of Metchosin. Produced by the Metchosin Environmental Advisory Select Committee