Aerial Map Courtesy of the CRD NATURAL AREAS ATLAS
Helicopter Images from GEOBC

The geography of Pedder Bay and the exposure of its shores to the marine environment results in a number of contrasting ecosystems on the upland part of the shores. It also contributes significant materials to the marine environment and through four or five months of the year contributes a large volume of freshwater, acting more like an estuary than a regular bay.
Pedder Bay, British Columbia Wave Climate Study and Wave Protection Considerations
March 1991 Fisheries and Oceans report


Lester B. Pearson College opened in 1974 on the north side of Pedder Bay on land formerly owned by the Department of National Defence . At high tide, most of the shoreline of the campus is rocky intertidal, however at low tide, mudflats appear along much of the shore.

The following is excerpted from the College reference guide ” The Road Ends at Our Place: The Ecosystems of Pearson College.

One of the first projects the students faced when the college was founded was to build the floating docks as their outlet to the sea. This provided for a rich marine environment program which has expanded since that time. College boats provide for field trips in the biology and marine science classes, and the afternoon activities in sailing, SCUBA diving and kayaking lead to an active seafront.

In 2003, the addition of the floating lab provided room for three more classrooms as well as a diving equipment room, workshop, office and storage space for the sea activities. The immediate access to the ecosystems of Pedder Bay make it an ideal facility for the life sciences.

Only on rare occasions (once in ten years) do we get a week of cold weather and snow which causes the inner part of the bay up to the college docks to freeze over. The campus for a few brief days takes on a unique beauty when this happens. It also is a time when we can take advantage of the learning opportunity by having the students experience the unique aspects of “snow ecology”. For students from tropical countries who may never have experienced such conditions, there is a realization that snow has insulating features, can be breathed through, is variable in weight and density, and plants from temperate climates adapt to it in unique ways. Meanwhile down at the waterfront, unique patterns of salinity and fresh water can be discovered with ice formation.

The academic building viewed from the docks after one of those rare snowfalls that we get in Pedder Bay.


 EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCES in PEDDER BAY of Marine Science Education at Pearson College



  • Mudflats and RockyIntertidal Ecosystems of Pedder Bay

The shores of Pedder Bay provide more fascinating variety to our campus, and the profile of the bay changes considerably from low to high tide, a range of 3 meters. The water of the bay varies in temperature from 8 degrees Celsius in the winter to 13 degrees in the summer.

The mudflat in front of the sea front commons building is typical of the small inlets along the bay. It provides a rich habitat to mud-dwelling organisms and red-rock and dungeness crabs. Overhanging trees and trees which have fallen into the water provide the substrate for the bay mussel , Mytilus trossulus, and several barnacle species. Several species of limpet and littorine snails graze rocks in the intertidal zone and the large white anemone , Metridium farcimen, can be seen on the bottom of the bay, anchored to submerged branches or exposed rocks. All the invertebrates contribute their larva to the rich planktonic mix in the waters of the bay. The main producers in the bay are the large round centric diatoms, Coscinodiscus sp. but on different occasions under the microscopes of the biology students, a wide array of geometric shapes of other phytoplankton species will appear. Copepods and the nauplius larvae of barnacles make up the main zooplankton of the bay.
Often in the spring when the sunlight levels are adequate, the nutrient laden water from winter run-off may support a non-poisonous red tide. A deep reddish bloom caused by the organism Mesodinium rubrum will cover parts of the bay. This is a unique marine photosynthetic ciliate which can fix energy because it has a cryptophyte endosymbiontic red algae inside it. A good example of a mutualistic relationship occurring on a massive scale within the bay.

The Floating lab and docks provide a great amount of substrate on which a variety of organisms attach. These areas have also been useful for the science classes in providing areas for hanging baskets for aquaculture experiments. Within easy access there is a rich fouling community which provides many specimens used in classes. Almost every invertebrate phylum is represented on the underside of these docks. The plankton of Pedder Bay form the nutritional and energy base of the ecosystem.The  file in the list of exercises. below provides a lab assignment on quantification of plankton biodiversity .




Starting on the outer South Shore of Pedder Bay at Cape Calver , this review will take you into the bay and around the shores and out to the North side and William Head


This section is notable mainly for its geological features. Here there is evidence of the most recent glaciation of 10,000 years ago: a massive conglomerate boulder on the shore and the glacial striae or grooves on the rock of the coastline. In other parts of the bay, granite boulders add to the collection of bits of glacial evidence

 Shore pine, Pinus contorta , penetrates along the shore into Pedder Bay from the outer parts of Rocky Point. In this outer section, salt spray is received above the intertidal zone in winter storms from the north east. The fetch, or distance across the ocean upon which the wind can impart energy in a storm is well over 50 kilometers for this outer section if a line is drawn from Cape Calver to a point in the open ocean beyond Victoria. Further into the bay from Fossil Point where there are more protected shores, the predominant tree cover is Douglas fir, and trees can grow closer to the water.












Pedder Bay Marina to estuary , waterfall and Matheson Lake
Aerial Map Courtesy of the CRD Natural Areas Atlas 



South arm of the Pedder Bay Estuary


MATHESON LAKE -connected by a stream from the South  arm (above) of the Estuary











WEIR POINT and beach to North Outer Shore



Weir point from south side of Pedder Bay



Sewage Outfalls in Pedder Bay




Pearson College fronts on the bay on the north side. Modifications to the shoreline have changed the habitat of the bay. The floating docks provide a large substrate for additional growth of biomass. Boats, diesel and gasoline, provide additional hydrocarbon discharge into the bay. Introduction of efficient four stroke engines in recent years have helped to mitigate boat engine pollution. No Inorganic fertilizers or pesticides are used on the campus, so surface runoff is not an issue.

Pedder Bay marina docks have a great number of boats which provide a large potential input of hydrocarbons. Chronic oil pollution from bilge systems of boats in marinas such as this provide a continual hazard to marine life.

Location of Sewage outfall is not known, although it is believed that it runs at least part way out of the bay.

The trailer court at Pedder Bay sits on the bank of the estuary . Sewage from this location is pumped seaward and terminates in middle Pedder Bay. Primary sewage treatment only is available.



The Rocky Point DND sewage outfall runs down the shore in a buried pipe, and terminates over 100 meters seaward in the bay. It is presumed that secondary treatment has been done on this effluent. runs down the shore in a buried pipe, and terminates over 100 meters seaward in the bay. It is presumed that secondary treatment has been done on this effluent.


The small DND floating dock on the south side of inner Pedder Bay, now no longer used.




The bottom of the ocean at the DND Jetty has been dredged to deepen it for ocean going vessels. This is a fixed concrete pier.




This site has been created to represent the contiguous ecosystems of the Race Rocks Ecological Reserve/Marine Protected Area and for the use of the Green Blue Spaces sub committee of the Metchosin Environmental Advisory Select Committee ( MEASC

The Mussel Mariculture lab


PURPOSE: This lab enables you to experience in a small way the process of mariculture, involving everything from planning, experimentation, siting and the economics of the process. It will further give you a chance to review some of the concepts you have studied in the course.

OBJECTIVES: After doing this lab , students will be able to:

a) Understand the elements of costs involved in food production.

b) Relate to the problems of fouling, predation, parasitism and environmental impact.

c) Electronically and statistically document and analyze your findings.

d) Prepare an individual report on the Process you have encountered .


1. In groups of 3 or 4 discuss the objectives and procedure to be sure you clearly understand them. Question the teacher where necessary, and record the process you are going through at each step.

2. Make an initial attempt to define the roles of the group, but revisit them periodically to be sure that one person is not being left with the bulk of the work. Record this as well. You should also be sure that everyone involved understands each step of the process rather than overspecializing.

3. Since the goal is to produce a model of a mariculture setup, with all it’s inherent problems and achievements, you will be given some basic parameters to work with but must plan what is necessary to achieve the goals.

4. All costs are in an arbitrary currency we will call mussel dollars.
The present value of ten mussel dollars ($10m) can be equated to what the current cost of a Kilogram of mussels is in the marketplace.

Lease cost of equipment :

Cage and equipment: $m1.00 Lease Space: $m1.00/mo Seed Stock:$m1.00/doz
Computer rental $m.50/hr Labor Cost:$m1.00/hr Lab space Costs: $m.50/hr
Franchise cost: $m10.00 Insurance costs$m1.00/mo.

5. You will be given almost two months to complete the project (Mar1). You will be responsible to make progress reports every two weeks to the teacher ( Your company is a subsidiary of his, called ) (using the media of your choice ) .

6. A record of the initial size of your mussels should be done using the scanner. Be sure to ask for help on how to do this, as a transparent sheet has to be used . This will become an important record for future calculations.

7. You will be required to include in your final report, a calculation of wet and dry biomass, and if possible, an energy conversion for your data.

8. Since this is not a full scale operation you are doing, you should devote a section of your analysis to the scaling-up conversions.

9. Be careful, Mussel mariculture has inherent risks: Be sure to list all of these in your analysis!!

10. Each one of you must do research on the internet and in the library (see the mariculture magazines, eg.Northern Aquaculture) to find out the global picture on mussel mariculture. In your final report, answer such questions as : Where and to what extent does mussel mariculture take place? How important is mussel production for human consumption on a world basis in comparison to other protein sources. Is there an environmental impact associated with this industry.

These pictures represent the setup which we used for one year’s experiments on mussel growth:


The Plankton of Pedder Bay Lab


BACKGROUND: Microscopic plankton can be can be collected in a way that allows us to determine densities of the organisms, and therefore compare different pelagic environments. We have already seen how plankton populations can vary from part of the ocean to another. In order to quantify plankton, the following method is suggested. You are urged to come up with your own research problem concerning plankton populations and then proceed to use the following techniques to investigate. Although this lab refers to Pedder Bay on Vancouver Island,, It could be modified to suit any location.PROCEDURE:In order to determine densities of organisms, we first have to know the volume of the water from which the sample is taken.
1. Calibrating the log:

    • You will use a plankton net with a small propellor driven counting log to measure distance travelled in the water that is sampled. To calibrate the log, measure off a distance on the docks, read the dial at the beginning of the trial, drag it through the water the length of the measured section, and the difference in the reading at the end of your tow will be the length of your cylinder of water.
    • Now calculate how many counts on the dial there are per meter.
    • Divide the number of counts per meter into the number of counts through the distance you drag the net for your sample. This gives you a number of meters in length for the sample cylinder.
    • Measure the diameter of the net opening and now calculate the volume of sample taken from the open ocean. The formula for volume of a cylinder is V=(pi X radius squared) X h(meters)

3. What is in The sample?

      • Note the total volume of the sample traken. Then remove a representative subsample of 1 ml.
      • Place the 1ml sample in a slide with a measured viewing chamber. Count numbers of individual species in representative quadrats. Obtain the average, and multiply this number by the total number of quadrats available.

4. Density determination.

      • .Now calculate the density of the individual species in the sample . i.e. number per cubic cm. then per cubic meter.

5. Option :

    • Calculate the number for a larger area e.g. Pedder Bay ! Hint treat it as a segment of a cone for volume determinations, use a chart to determine the measurements of the bay..

Pedder Bay frequently has booms of Mesodinium rubrum. This organism turns the bay a deep wine color . It is not a poisonous red tide , but we have noticed that when it is pumped up into seawater tanks, it will easily smother some of the filter feeders such as sponges. Blooms often coincide with nutrient loading followed by a period of sunny weather.




January 21 1997



  • Our overall theme this year for the IB Group four project as chosen by the first year science students of Lester Pearson College is Pedder Bay. Since we have had some experience with this region for some time, it is the intention of this file to lay out some of the possible themes within this project and to point out some possibilities for collaboration of members of the different sciences in the groups for the purpose of doing these preliminary studies..
  • It is expected that research could be either of the descriptive or the experimental variety. Both approaches are valuable when atttempting to understand a system.
  • It is suggested that in order to make this research of future lasting value as well as present value, some projects could seek to set up protocols for long term research and establish sites on the already existing Pedder Bay web site which would have permanent value for baseline and and a data bank for follow up information. In order to do this it is necessary to have the reports submitted in electronic form done in html, now quite easy to do because of the presence of the Adobe GoLive software on the college computers. Also word processing done in other formats can now easily be converted to basic html by these computers.
  • Students will also prepare a poster presentation for their final report, and it is suggested that the these posters be available for viewing in the dining hall as well as on the internet for several days prior to a general session in the dining hall when each group will be given time to respond to peer questions on their presentation.
  • It also should be obvious that individuals or groups may do further follow-up in-depth depth studies that would be appropriate as extended essay topics in any of the sciences. The amount of easily obtained data that we have at our fingertips here is potentially very great.


Pedder Bay as a Seasonal Estuary:

The distribution of the halocline, the freshwater-saltwater interface is quite pronounced at this time of year. It is easily determined by using the salinometer directly , or from samples collected and analysis in the lab. The halocline could have great variability in different parts of the bay- from head to mouth as well as side to side , and it could change in relatively short periods of time. It could be influenced by tidal cycles and there could be correlations made with rainfall. Also the mixing of water coming out of the river could have an effect on the salmon and bird habitat of the estuary. The Chemistry of all aspects of the sea water, pH, dissolved oxygen, nutrients could be examined. How well mixed is it or is there stratification. These factors determine life zones of the bay.

Bioluminescence in the Bay :

Timing , distribution , quantification of this phenomenon may be possible depending on conditions and time of year.

The Effect of Artificial Dock Lights on Organisms:

Experimentation with screening lights shining in the water to change intensity and color on the influence of the attraction of organisms would be possible.

Light Attenuation in the Water Column:

The visibility through the water column can be roughly measured by our Secchi Disk, a 50cm white disk which eventually disappears when lowered in the bay ( can be done from the docks) . It always has different depths of visibility if measured inside the bay versus the outer part. There is probably a very defined line in the outer bay where the visibility changes suddenly. A transect of measurements through this zone could give some interesting results.

There is another effect that we always note and that is large difference in plankton in the inner and outer bay areas. This difference is in species composition as well as population density. There is probably a correlation with several physical factors, the predominant one being the distance into the bay that the currents going by the outside of the bay actually penetrate, both laterally and at depth. This could be quantified and modeled.

Current Patterns in the Bay:

We often observe while diving that there is a counter-gyre at the mouth of the bay.. On an ebb tide, the water will come in along the south side of the bay as far as Fossil Point. turn north and flow out on the north side. This rotation may be the cause of the accumulation of the tide line drift flotsam in a tongue extending into the bay on some tidal exchanges. We have 10 buoys equipped with radar reflectors that can be used to accurately plot these current patterns. With Second Nature moored near fossil point, accurate trajectories of the drifters can be measured. There may be collaboration with people measuring plankton and turbidity levels to see if there are correlations of these factors.

What effect does the shape of the bay have on current velocities? Since the bay is generally half-funnel shaped, it should be possible to produce a mathematical model to predict the effect of shape on current speeds at different parts of the bay.

Effect of Boat Speed on Shoreline Wash:

Wave height, frequency and duration of inundation by shoreline species as the result of wash from boat traffic could be a significant factor in the Pedder bay ecosystem .

Wave Energy in Pedder Bay:

The shape,depth and orientation of Pedder Bay allows wave energy to have an effect on the different ecosystems within the bay. Calculations can be made for predicting Fetch and the effect it has on the widths of the bands of intertidal zonation.

Oil Pollution and Pedder Bay:

The very real possibility of some day having to cope with an oil spill in Pedder Bay is of some concern. We have recently been in consultation with Dr. Malcolm Hepworth who visited the college and introduced us to the idea of using Peat Pellets for oil spill cleanup. There is a possibility of doing small scale experimentation on the process of oil removal. Also there is a good opportunity here for extended essay follow up, and publication of useful research.

Chronic Oil Pollution In Pedder Bay:

The small amounts of oil residues from boat traffic is significant in some harbours. This oil can be collected by skimming with a commercially available absorbent material made for soaking up oil. Calculations of surface area covered by droplets of oils of various viscosity could also be measured. A survey of boat owners and bilge-pumping habits of their boats may also be revealing, and may help inform owners of alternate strategies.

Sedimentation and Sediment Dispersion related to Water Velocity

Cores of sediments taken on a line perpendicular to the shoreline might show a decline in sediment size or mass (easily measured by our particle Sieves and scales– screen size ranges from 4 millimeters to 40 microns available. Since sediment transport varies with current velocities, models about sediment deposition could be proposed and tested.

Some of the sediment is Biogenic ( barnacle shells), Carbon from old forest fires,

Anthropogenic: wood waste from log booms, erosion materials from the influence of human activities. Probably sedimentation rates could be calculated.

Terrigenous material, sediments from erosion further out at sea or along shorelines.

Glaciation Evidence on Pedder Bay Shorelines:

What is the extent of glacial evidence around the bay? There is a large conglomerate on fossil point,

granite boulders on Weir Point, glacial striations on bedrock around the bay. Calculations could be done on the forces required to transport these, and estimates of distances traveled could be made.

Alternate Energy Potential of Pedder Bay:

What is the volume of water that could be made to generate energy from Pedder Bay if a tidal barrage was installed at various locations in the bay ? What is the fresh water runoff potential if a dam was created on the Salmon Stream .

The Salmon Stream:

Since the stream is part of the input to the Pedder Bay system, it can be iuncluded in the study of the bay. Food webs in the stream, flow volumes of the river, temperature regime of the water as we go from early to late spring, these questions and more relating to this stream could be investigated. The waterfall itself has some potential for problems to be generated.

The Sewage System:

Both Biology and Environmental Systems students have already been through the part of the system that handles our liquid waste disposal. They have been made aware of the inputs and outputs of the system and the role of microorganisms in it’s treatment process.

Other areas to be pursued: Information is available on the model for dispersion of effluent from outfalls. There is a relationship between depth of the outfall and the rate of dispersal of coliform bacteria that is a bioindicator for sewage. Essentially a plume comes out that disperses like a cone . It could be hypothesized that the dispersal of this cone varies according to whether the tide is rising or falling, with a consequent ebb and flow of current. Samples of water taken at specific times and locations around the outfall could be used to test the model of dispersion.

  • Coliform bacteria can be cultured in the lab.
  • Fluorosceine is an effective dye for measure of dispersion. It can be added at the treatment plant. Possibly it could also be added in small increments directly into the outfall stream by a diver.

The outfall can be visited by diving and visual observations and measurements can be made.

In addition two other outfalls discharge into Pedder Bay: The Helgeson Point Outsell from the DND and the Pedder Bay Marina Outfall. Monitoring of dispersion of coliform could take place around those outfalls as well. Previous coliform tests by environmental systems labs have shown a higher occurrence of coliform in the vicinity of the Pedder Bay Marina itself.

Bird Life in Pedder Bay:

The bird population changes seasonally in the bay: several species of grebes, muralist, ducks and mergansers, as well as herons, kingfishers, buffleheads, scoters, and Rhinoceros auklets are residents . If the whole bay is considered as a bird habitat, it is likely that different species have different patterns of distribution. The locations of different bird populations , the timing and population levels of these and correlation to weather patterns has not been done. There is a concern that boat traffic, may already be impacting on these birds. In the future the specter of Sea-doos in the bay would no doubt seriously impact the birdlike. Some of the birds such as the Western Grebe, are one of the few bird species that nest on the Canadian Prairies and then overwinter in small protected bays. A good baseline study of these populations could be valuable for protecting them in the future.

The Cormorant Influence:

For the past four and a half years Cormorants have taken up roosting in the trees along the south side of Pedder Bay opposite the college. Recently we have referred to the presence of these birds as a major reason for seeking protection for that part of the forested strip from the possible effects of a campground and trail system proposed by the DND. At present there are no statistics on the actual number of birds using the site, the timing of their use and the effect of their use on the vegetation ( note: some Douglas fir are showing signs of crown death. ) It is possible that there is a considerable change going on in the soils of area with nutrients and acidification from droppings. A controlled study could be set up to monitor this .

Species Diversity:

There are a number of indices of species diversity available. Shannon, Simpson etc. Several sites could be chosen for a comparison of the effectiveness of these indices. Various ecosytems can be compared,: the fouling ecosystems on the dock skirt , the life on a square half-meter under the floats, distribution of algae relative to light levels, the rocky intertidal, the estuary plants or invertebrates, the tide lines on the small beaches ( abundant with amphipods).

Invertebrate and Algal Distribution and Biomass in the Intertidal zone:

Permanent monitoring plots could be established whereby weekly cropping of Fucus , the brown algae, could lead to productivity comparisons of different regions of the bay… Correlations may be established with many other factors. north South side exposure, inner-outer bay influence, etc. Several permanent reference pegs drilled in by our students several years ago already exist along the side of Pedder Bay. At fossil point we have past records which can be contrasted with present populations.

Ecological Succession:

For many years, the students of the environmental systems classes have collected data on succession of the diatom community on glass slides suspended in Pedder Bay. The same process can be used to test the effect of different substrates and different chemicals on succession . We do have one commercial preparation , a wax called easy net which can be spread on substrates for controlling succession of fouling organisms . There has been a great deal of research by chemical companies and the military into different chemical coatings and materials that can be used to retard organism growth. Slower growth means fuel savings for ship hulls going through water.

Invertebrate Attachments :

Bay mussels are abundant on the docks, their use of the Byssal thread, an elastic-like substance could be a subject of an interesting study. Tensile strengths of these threads from mussels of different exposures could be compared.

Invertebrate Dynamics:

A number of invertebrates are easily obtainable for various studies of physiology. . A few are listed here:

Sponge: filtration rates

Mussels: cilia beating patterns

Tube worms, contraction strength, speed of withdrawal, light sensitive.

Shrimp: transparency allows internal dynamics to be observed, temperature variation can affect heart rates.

Barnacles: calculations of water volume filtering when feeding.

Anemones: these have a primitive nerve net which responds to touch- measurement of reaction times possible.

Heart Cockle: Escape response speeds

Crabs: decorator crabs have some interesting behavior related to dressing themselves for camouflagewhen exposed to different materials.

Kelp growth studies:

The growth parameters of algae transplanted onto substrates suspended from the docks can make an interesting study. Bull kelp can grow several centimeters a day. Direct measurement of migration of punched holes in the lamina is one way for this study. Also the translocation of nutrients can be studied by the transmission of weak solutions of radionuclides supplied in one area of the lamina or leaf. Marine algae are also a good source of biogas for energy, can production rates be calculated.