Gretchen Markle reported a new seastar Henricia pumila for the April 27 Metchosin Bioblitz on the Laird’s beach , south of Taylor Road and north off Weir’s beach (see Google image below). Henricia pumila is an uncommon seastar, having only been officially described in 2010. Phil Lambert confirmed the identification.
- Henricia pumila ,Eernisse et al., 2010 Dwarf mottled henricia
- Photos of H.pumila by Gretchen Markel
- Henricia pumila on Chris Pratt’s Beach
Phylum Echinodermata
Class Asteroidea
Order Spinulosida
Suborder Leptognathina
Family Echinasteridae
Genus Henricia
Species pumila, Eernisse et al., 2010
Common name: Dwarf mottled henricia.
Laura Verghegge and students of Pearson College also reported with an image, this species and an egg mass in East Sooke Park in March of 2013:
LOCATION: Click for enlargement: