The sample of images on this page have been taken by Pearson College Divers and instructors Eric Schauff and Chris Blondeau and on July 8, 2008, Leslie van de Ven The map shows the location of the images.
- green sea urchin
- Oregon triton
- Painted star
- Slime star
- Tealia
- Tealia anemone
- sea lemon nudibranch
- Gobe with metaandrocarpa sea squirts above
- Purple sea urchin
- Orange sponge
- hydrocoral
- nudibranch
- red rock crab
- Metridium
- Metririum anemone
- sea lemon
- metridium
- pycnopodia
- hermit crab
- 2 Sea Cucumbers
- tealia anemone
- brooding anemone
- brooding annemone
- blood star
- nudibranch
- metridium
- Metririum anemone
- hermit crab
- pycnopodia
- Metridium
- sea lemon