4.5.2 Introduced Species in the Marine Environment

One of the most  unexpected harmful things we do to the integrity of marine ecosystems is transfer organisms around the world by ballast tanks of the Marine Shipping Industry. This article on how a mapping system might be used to combat this problem may be useful:
Shipping map helps combat introduction of Invasive Species

Other references on this website address the issues of introduced or alien species that we have to be on the lookout for affecting our coastline:
Invasive Alien or Introduced  Species In Metchosin

5.0 Humans as part of Ocean Systems


4.1 Sensors and the Collection of Physical Data

I have listed here a number of ways to monitor physical factors of ecosystems at various levels and locations. [blockquote]

  • Local monitors of all exhibit tanks to show different parameters.
    • oxygen levels of aerated vs bottom muds
    • ph change as photosynthesis changes in a green pool
    • set up a green tank highly enriched with nutrients for this
    • have a “convertible tank” where automatic changes can be introduced which then can register abiotic changes on the instruments. This provides great opportunities for schools to do research. For instance a tank may have a screen barrier separating two populations of fish or invertebrates. Oxygen, Co2 pH and other sensors monitors the whole tank. At periodic intervals, a gate is lowered seperating the water bodies of the two tanks, on the monitors, digital or graphics show a timeline and the change in physical factors contrasting the opposing sides.
    • demo of currents feeding barnacles.. ie dependence on that factors
  • Remote site monitors.
    • interactive modelling with temperature data from Race Rocks.. and implications for global change.
    • atmospheric and oceanographic sensors monitoring at Race Rocks.
    • Links and interpretations to physical measurements in real time from the Venus sub-sea research program.
    • Links and interpretations to physical measurements in real time from the Neptune sub-sea research program.
    • Links to the Victoria weather network... school contribution a part of this.[blockquote]


  • Index
  • 4.2 The importance of pH. ( ocean Acidification)

4.2 The Importance of pH

The Importance of pH:
The issue of ocean Acidification linked to Climate Change now has a a serious implication for Shellfish Producers. Their website reflects these concerns: http://bcsga.ca/ocean-acidification/

oceanprofileA few physical factors have a disproportionate effect on the distribution of organisms and the fact that humans play a large role in their modification means that their effects on the sustainability of ecosystems is rather importantaragonite, ph
Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document – 2008/013 State of physical, biological, and selected fishery resources of Pacific Canadian marine ecosystems(Page 37 of pdf file) Ocean acidification off the West Coast by Debby Ianson, Fisheries and Oceans Canada “Global oceans are becoming more acidic due to increasing carbon dioxide (Orr et al. 2005). Much of the extra CO2 released by burning fossil fuels ends up in the oceans, increasing the dissolved inorganic carbon concentration (DIC). As DIC increases, the relative proportions of carbon species shift (specifically from the carbonate ion to the bicarbonate ion), resulting in an increase in acidity and a decrease in pH (Strum and Morgan, 1981).

At present the pH of seawater has decreased by about 0.1 due to oceanic uptake of anthropogenic carbon and is projected to decrease by 0.4 by the year 2050 (Orr et al. 2005). The decrease in pH (and concurrent decrease in carbonate ion) means that organisms that produce calcite and aragonite shells or structures, such as pteropods, corals and shellfish, are threatened (The Royal Society, 2005).” “Very few data from the carbonate system have been collected on the Canadian west coast; however these few observations show that Juan de Fuca Strait and the Vancouver Island Coastal Current experience high pCO2 water due to tidal mixing in the Strait, which brings water high in DIC and low in pH to the surface (Ianson et al. 2003). An additional study with high spatial resolution confirms the high surface pCO2 (400 — 800 ppm; Nemcek et al, in press) in this area estimated by Ianson et al. (2003) but has no complimentary measurements (such as DIC) with which to determine pH in the Strait.”

From “WATER: http://www.unep.org/geo/geo4/report/04_Water.pdf Rainwater and ocean acidification Acidity in rainwater is caused by the dissolution of atmospheric CO2, as well as by atmospheric transport and deposition of nitrogen and sulphur compounds (see Chapters 2 and 3). This is important because biological productivity is closely linked to acidity (see Chapter 3). The box on acidifying cycles in Chapter 3 describes some of the impacts of acid deposition on the world’s forests and lakes. The oceans have absorbed about half of the global CO2 emissions to the atmosphere over the past 200years (see Chapter 2), resulting in the increasing acidification of ocean waters (The Royal Society 2005). Acidification will continue, regardless of any immediate reduction in emissions. Additional acidification would take place if proposals to release industrially produced and compressed CO2 at or above the deep sea floor are put into practice (IPCC 2005). To date, injection of CO2 into seawater has been investigated only in small-scale laboratory experiments and models. Although the effects of increasing CO2 concentration on marine organisms would have ecosystem consequences, no controlledecosystem experiments have been performed in the deep ocean nor any environmental thresholds identified. The impacts of ocean acidification are speculative, but could be profound, constraining or even preventing the growth of marine animals such as corals and plankton. They could affect global food security via changes in ocean food webs, and, at the local scale, negatively affect the potential of coral reefs for dive tourism and for protecting coastlines against extreme wave events. It is presently unclear how species and ecosystems will adapt to sustained, elevated CO2 levels (IPCC 2005). Projections give reductions in average global surface ocean pH (acidity) values of between 0.14and 0.35units over the 21st century, adding to the present decrease of 0.1 units since pre-industrial times(IPCC 2007). Managing water issues related to climate change Global-scale changes to the water environment associated with climate change include higher sea surface temperatures, disruption of global ocean currents, changes in regional and local precipitation patterns, and ocean acidification. These issues are typically addressed through global efforts, such as the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol (see Chapter 2). Management at the global level involves numerous actions at regional, national and local scales. Many global conventions and treaties are implemented on this basis, with their effectiveness depending on the willingness of individual countries to contribute to their achievement. Because these changes are linked to other environmental issues (for example, land use and biodiversity), they must also be addressed by other binding or non-binding treaties and instruments (see Chapter 8). Major responses to the drivers of climate change – primarily the increased burning of fossil fuels for energy – are analysed in Chapter 2. These responses are generally at the international level, and require concerted action by governments over the long-term, involving legal and market- driven approaches. Focus is on responses to climate change-related impacts affecting the water environment that involve regulation, adaptation and restoration

Pacific Ocean acid levels jeopardizing marine life

Vancouver Island researchers use artificial tide pools to study threat
From CBC News
Posted: Jul 17, 2012 2:17 AM PT
Last Updated: Jul 17, 2012 12:19 PM PT

Very few data from the carbonate system have been collected on the Canadian west coast; however these few observations show that Juan de Fuca Strait and the Vancouver
Island Coastal Current experience high pCO2 water due to tidal mixing in
the Strait, which brings water high in DIC and low in pH to the surface
(Ianson et al. 2003).

An additional study with high spatial resolution
confirms the high surface pCO2 (400 — 800 ppm; Nemcek et al, in press) in
this area estimated by Ianson et al. (2003) but has no complimentary
measurements (such as DIC) with which to determine pH in the Strait.”
The foillowing is taken from the publication:”WATER”

Rainwater and ocean acidification : Acidity in rainwater is caused by the dissolution
of atmospheric CO2, as well as by atmospheric transport and deposition of
nitrogen and sulphur compounds (see Chapters 2 and 3). This is important
because biological productivity is closely linked to acidity (see Chapter
3). The box on acidifying cycles in Chapter 3 describes some of the
impacts of acid deposition on the world’s forests and lakes. The oceans
have absorbed about half of the global CO2 emissions to the atmosphere
over the past 200years (see Chapter 2), resulting in the increasing
acidification of ocean waters (The Royal Society 2005). Acidification will
continue, regardless of any immediate reduction in emissions. Additional
acidification would take place if proposals to release industrially
produced and compressed CO2 at or above the deep sea floor are put into
practice (IPCC 2005). To date, injection of CO2 into seawater has been
investigated only in small-scale laboratory experiments and models.
Although the effects of increasing CO2 concentration on marine organisms
would have ecosystem consequences, no controlled ecosystem experiments have
been performed in the deep ocean nor any environmental thresholds
identified. The impacts of ocean acidification are speculative, but could
be profound, constraining or even preventing the growth of marine animals
such as corals and plankton. They could affect global food security via
changes in ocean food webs, and, at the local scale, negatively affect the
potential of coral reefs for dive tourism and for protecting coastlines
against extreme wave events. It is presently unclear how species and
ecosystems will adapt to sustained, elevated CO2 levels (IPCC 2005).
Projections give reductions in average global surface ocean pH (acidity)
values of between 0.14and 0.35units over the 21st century, adding to the
present decrease of 0.1 units since pre-industrial times(IPCC 2007).

Managing water issues related to climate change Global-scale changes to the water
environment associated with climate change include higher sea surface
temperatures, disruption of global ocean currents, changes in regional and
local precipitation patterns, and ocean acidification. These issues are
typically addressed through global efforts, such as the UN Framework
Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol (see Chapter 2).
Management at the global level involves numerous actions at regional,
national and local scales. Many global conventions and treaties are
implemented on this basis, with their effectiveness depending on the
willingness of individual countries to contribute to their achievement.
Because these changes are linked to other environmental issues (for
example, land use and biodiversity), they must also be addressed by other
binding or non-binding treaties and instruments (see Chapter 8). Major
responses to the drivers of climate change – primarily the increased
burning of fossil fuels for energy – are analyzed in Chapter 2. These
responses are generally at the international level, and require concerted
action by governments over the long-term, involving legal and market-
driven approaches. Focus is on responses to climate change-related impacts
affecting the water environment that involve regulation, adaptation and
restoration .

4.3 Oxygen depletion

Return to Index

3.1.2 Biodiversity

As a sub-theme, Biodiversity can accomplish many goals and provides a wealth of opportunities for curricular applications.

The Curriculum pages provide many objectives that relate to biodiversity.

1.The best resource for this topic can be found on the CBD website:


2. Also, from the UNEP website: http://www.unep.org/geo/geo4/report/05_Biodiversity.pd


  • People rely on biodiversity in their daily lives, often without realizing it.
  • Current losses of biodiversity are restricting future development options.
  • Biodiversity plays a critical role in providing livelihood security for people.
  • From the use of genetic resources to harnessing other ecosystem services, agriculture throughout the world is dependent on biodiversity.
  • Many of the factors leading to the accelerating loss of biodiversity are linked to the increasing use of energy by society.
  • Human health is affected by changes in biodiversity and ecosystem services.
  • Human societies everywhere have depended on biodiversity for cultural identity, spirituality, inspiration, aesthetic enjoyment and recreation.
  • Biodiversity loss continues because current policies and economic systems do not incorporate the values of biodiversity effectively in either the political or the market systems, and many current policies are not fully implemented.
 Although many losses of biodiversity, including the degradation of ecosystems, are slow or gradual, they can lead to sudden and dramatic declines in the capacity of biodiversity to contribute to human well- being. Modern societies can continue to develop without further loss of biodiversity only if market and policy failures are rectified.  These failures include perverse production subsidies, undervaluation of biological resources, failure to internalize environmental costs into prices and failure to appreciate global values at the local level. Reducing the rate of biodiversity loss by 2010 or beyond will require multiple and mutually supportive policies of conservation, sustainable use and the effective recognition of value for the benefits derived from the wide variety of life on Earth. Some such policies are already in place at local, national and international scales, but their full implementation remains elusive."

3. “From http://www.unep.org/geo/geo4/report/06_Regional_Perspectives.pdf

“Population and economic growth are major factors fuelling increased demand on resources, and contributing to global environmental change in terms of the atmosphere, land, water and biodiversity….”

“A number of factors have led to the deterioration of marine and coastal areas, including fisheries, mangroves and coral reefs. They include rapid development of urban and tourism infrastructure, and of refineries, petrochemical complexes, power and desalination plants, as well as oil spills from ship ballast. Vast areas of terrestrial and marine ecosystems have been severely affected by wars, which led to the discharge of millions of barrels of crude oil into coastal waters. They have also been harmed by the infiltration of oil and seawater into aquifers, and by hazardous waste disposal. Environmental impact assessment requirements were introduced recently. Other responses include programmes to conserve biodiversity, manage coastal zones and develop marine protected areas. is also increasing in the environment.”

Box5.4 Deep Sea Biodiversity recently extended to the deep sea with the designation in 2003 of the Juan de Fuca Ridge system and associated Endeavour Hydrothermal Vents (2,250 metres deep and 250 kilometres south of Vancouver Island, Canada) as a Marine Protected Area.

4. See Value of biodiversity and ecosystem services

5. In October of 2007, The minister of Environment for Brazil spoke in a conference in Norway that focused on the importance of biodiversity in combating poverty and in achieving sustainable development. ( http://www.regjeringen.no/en/dep/md/Selected-topics/Naturmangfold/Vedlegg/Ecosystems-and-People–biodiversity-for-.html?id=487378 )

6. Species Diversity: http://www.millenniumassessment.org/documents/document.287.aspx.pdf

The lowered biomass and fragmented habitats resulting from overexploitation of marine resources is likely to lead to numerous extinctions, especially among large, long-lived, late-maturing spe- cies (Sadovy and Cheung 2003; Sadovy et al. 2003a; Denney et al. 2002).

Fishing is thus one of the major direct anthropogenic forces that has an impact on the structure, function, and biodiversity of the oceans today. Climate change will also have impacts on biodiversity through changes in marine species distributions and abundances. In the coastal biome, other factors, including water quality, pollution, river and estuarine inputs, have large impacts on coastal and marine systems. (See Chapter 19.) Historical over- fishing and other disturbances have caused dramatic decreases in the abundance of large predatory species, resulting in structural and functional changes in coastal and marine ecosystems and the collapse of many marine ecosystems (Jackson et al. 2001). One well-documented example is that of the historic fishing grounds ranging from New England to Newfoundland and Labrador, which once supported immense cod fisheries but which have now been almost completely replaced by fisheries targeting invertebrates, the former prey of these fish (providing a classic example of fishing down marine food webs). The system that once sup- ported cod has almost completely disappeared, fueling fears that this species will not rebuild its local populations, even though fishing pressure has been much reduced (Hutchings and Ferguson 2000; Hutchings 2004; Lilly et al. 2000). However, some col- lapsed stocks have been able to recover once fishing pressure is removed: the North Sea herring fishery collapsed due to over- harvest in the late 1970s but recovered after a four-year closure (Bjørndal 1988). On a much smaller scale, but nevertheless wide- spread throughout the tropics, coral reef areas have been degraded by a combination of overfishing, pollution, and climate variability.


4.0 Physical or Abiotic Factors

4.0 Physical or Abiotic Factors

Part of the structure of an ecosystem is its physical factors. The opportunity in the Marine Centre to demonstrate the close dependence of organisms on physical factors cannot be missed. It is a good way to emphasize to the public that one cannot seperate the physical and the living world and therefore one has to recognize that changing physical factors will have a direct impact on biodversity and the integrity of marine ecosystems. It is also an opportunity to break down the artificial barriers between biology, physics, chemistry and geology.

An approach which I have used on the racerocks.com website has been to treat all physical factors in terms of how they affect life organisms. Measuring the factor is one aspect , but recognizing the impact that those factors have on organisms presents a more interesting aspect. See examples on the links from the data page index at: http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/eco/ecodata.htm

So much of how we interact with Marine environments may influence the physical factors in which organisms have evolved to live for millions of years. Present the wide array of factors, with sensor feeds from a number of ecosystems.. Have specific examples of how the distribution of organisms is determined by those factors and how humans are changing some of those factors too quickly. A few summary points follow:

  • Successional changes caused by changes of abiotic factors.
  • The Physical Story. The marriage of the physical and life sciences.
  • How geology-topography affects the distribution of life.
  • A display of life zones and biodiversity connected to physical factors.
  • Live remote camera control station. Available on Kiosk mode computers access to several remote control cameras. Some can be located nearby in a secure area ( maybe one of the ponds at James Island.)
  • The marine industries of the Georgia Strait.. the positive things that are happening.
  • How marine industry can be sustainable without contamination and alteration of the physical factors of the environment.
  • Energy budget of a disturbed seabird or mammal video streaming on walls of boats and human activity impacting.
  • Storm drains and implication of runoffs in altering physical factors.
  • Agriculture and the sea… use of fertilizers pesticides on ocean ecosystems. Tie into interconnectivity of ecosystems.
  • Climate change and its effects on the oceans.
  • Part of the Structure and Function of Ecosystems: Role in energy flow and material cycles. Reference: Structure and Function of Ecosystems:http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/education/curricula/projects/structfunct.htm

4.1 Sensors and Data Collection for research.

I have listed here a number of ways to monitor physical factors of ecosystems at various levels and locations..

  • Local monitors of all exhibit tanks to show different parameters.
    • oxygen levels of aerated vs bottom muds
    • ph change as photosynthesis changes in a green pool
    • set up a green tank highly enriched with nutrients for this
    • have a “convertible tank” where automatic changes can be introduced which then can register abiotic changes on the instruments. This provides great opportunities for schools to do research. For instance a tank may have a screen barrier seperating two populations of fish or invertebrates. Oxygen, Co2 pH and other sensors monitors the whole tank. At periodic intervals, a gate is lowered seperating the water bodies of the two tanks, on the monitors, digital or graphics show a timeline and the change in physical factors contrasting the opposing sides.
    • demo of currents feeding barnacles.. ie dependence on that factors
  • Remote site monitors.
    • interactive modelling with temperature data from Race Rocks.. and implications for global change.
    • atmospheric and oceanographic sensors monitoring at Race Rocks.
    • Links and interpretations to physical measurements in real time from the Venus sub-sea research program.
    • Links and interpretations to physical measurements in real time from the Neptune sub-sea research program.
    • Links to the Victoria weather network… school contribution a part of this

4.1 Sensors and the Collection of Physical Data

4.2 The Importance of pH.

Return to Index

3.2 Integration and Interconnectivity of Marine Ecosystems.

The three themes to be emphasized here overlap into many other aspects of this report as well. We are talking about Ecosystems that by definition are interrelated. I think it is important to point them out as themes however since they may get overlooked otherwise.

1. Marine ecosystems and the organisms living within them are highly interconnected and interdependant.

2. The ecosystems people  live in and the activities they do in everyday life have a close connection with the welfare of marine ecosystems and their organisms.

3. We manage the resources and activities of different ecosystems in isolated jurisdictions of our governments and if change is to be effected, there are implications here.


1. A problem with defining the model of any marine system is that we have to draw boundaries which immediately restrict the reality of that system. We have a tendency to want to compartmentalize in order to make sense of things but nature doesn’t really work that way. This point should be made clear when modelling any ecosystem in an exhibit, and at every opportunity, the interactions with other ecosystems should be acknowledged.

  • The anadromous fish story is probably the classic one to show interactions . Not only marine and fresh water systems, but the interconnections with surrounding forests as well.
  • Marine mammals which may haul out on our rocky island ecosystems or swim in our local waters, but may within their lifetime traverse thousands of miles of coastal and open oceans.
  • Plankton distribution and migrations across ecosystems, the foam wind swept onto a beach carrying bits of ocean planktonic debris which is gleaned by a migrating shorebird, probably originated in the open ocean or as larvae in distant rocky intertidal zones.

2. A very constructive public education role can be served by any educational curriculum  in providing viewers with the evidence that the ecosystems in which they live and the activities they do in everyday life have a close connection with the welfare of marine ecosystems and their organisms. Just a few of the areas which can be included are as follows

  • coastal cities and the materials they shed into the water.
  • Agriculture runoff and the influence on eutrophication in marine systems.
  • Introduction of exotic species which compromises the ecological integrity of natural ecosystems
  • marine transportation and its effect
  • marine recreation and its effect on organisms and ecosystems.
  • Marine harvesting activities
  • The activities we do that affect climate change.

The point to make in all of this is that all these activities can have a range of impact from severe to non-significant in terms of how ecosystems are effected. Here again the proposal must be made that this is part of our choice of futures for the ocean.

3. The implications for management of the resources in these overlapping ecosystems becomes clear when one can appreciate that we have allowed different levels of governments to deal with different ecosystems without considering their interactions. It points to the need for a holistic model of ecosystem management, rather than a compartmentalized one. This was one of the intents of the Oceans Act.. to break down that conflict in jurisdictions and have a new way of looking at and ensuring sustainability of the marine environment. The fact that agriculture, forestry, parks, military and fisheries are all managed separately with little appreciation of the ecosystems of their overlapping jurisdictions must be presented in all its absurdity for the public to perhaps start an open dialogue on how sustainability can be insured if we can’t get it right.

As part of biodiversity, the ways that organisms themselves have interdependencies provides a number of opportunities to illustrate interesting interrelationships.

 So how can this be portrayed?

  • Start by finding ( if there are any) some positive examples of ecosystem management which takes into account the interrelated aspects of ecosystems.
  • Present best-case scenarios for marine sustainability issues.
  • In the take-aways section, provide constructive acts for visitors to follow up on in order to try to affect change that recognizes the need for a new method of marine ecosystem management.

3.3 Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital

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3.1.1 Key Species

Although all parts of an ecosystem are important for its long term sustainability, several species can be selected out which are essential to the operation of the whole system.

  • herring
    need for controls on over-harvesting

Ways these can be impacted:

  • overharvesting,
  • competition from introduced species
  • habitat loss.
  • toxic materials

How to mitigate this..

  • increase in research, baseline standards
  • moratorium on marine system development,
  • need to restore lost habitat
  • need for large areas to be set aside as parks or reserves for habitat now while it is available, later it may diminish.
  • complete detoxification of all run-off waters.
  • “a no negative impact” is the only option for marine developments.
  • recognition of interconnectivity in management of resources.

3.2 Integration and interconnections of Marine Ecosystems

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