2.0 Ecological Sustainability as the Primary Theme

Environmental Sustainability is now on the forefront of political agendas around the world, and is at the centre of concern for many of the world’s population. Due to obvious impacts that the environment is reflecting back on humans, it is not a topic which will go out of fashion in the near future. In this resource, the need to provide a stimulating experience to raise awareness in students about the value of our marine resources and the reinforcement of the role for education for sustainable development is emphasized . Where possible, global examples are brought in to emphasize the interdependence of all the world oceans.

  • 2.1 The wide diversity of ocean ecosystems: Within our immediate ocean we have a wide variety of ecosystem types.
  • 2.1.1 Coastal Ecosystems: There is a wide contrast in the character of our Coastline in British Columbia.
  • Kelp Forest : Many issues are brought to light when considering these ecosystems: The effects of contaminants, the effects of introduced species, the ecosystem services provided in the form of habitat for other species.
  • Rocky Shore, (sub and intertidal) Tidepools and rocky shore can show biodiversity as well as food web relationships. In addition, the effect of pollution, chemical and oil become crucial in these habitats.
  • Beaches: sand and pebble : Geological processes create them and human actions can destroy. Their role as habitat for organisms, the importance of sedimentation and habitat and the energy dynamics of a strand line with natural and human debris.
  • 2.1.2 Benthic areas.
  • 2.1.3 Other ecosystems of the global seas, (ex. Arctic ice, Mangroves, coral reefs).
  • 2.1.4 Pelagic – Open ocean ecosystems. Plankton and its the interaction with ocean currents, can be indicators of food webs gone wrong.
  • 2.1.5 Abyssal Ecosystems :In the inland and outer coastal areas, B.C., has a number of significant regions.

We have individuals who are “doing sustainability” in their professional or personal lives in BC. Examples are “Dr. Pauly” .. see Fishing Down Food webs or Dr.Chan ..see Ecosystem Services: , Dr. Andrew Weaver actively involved in researching Climate Change at the University of Victoria, and First Nations members who are educating about First Nations Marine History and Culture.

See also the page on Individuals as role models: for marine environmental sustainability.


Linkage of specific educational objectives with experiences in which students from K to 12 can participate are outlined here.

Over the past 10 years or more the possibility of achieving the goals of ecological sustainability for the earth are tied closely to education , see the Background Rationale for the role of Education:

The BC Curriculum section contains links from Objectives to resources that they could find in the Marine Centre.

One document which provides the clearest goals related to sustainability is the
Earth Charter
, http://www.earthcharterinaction.org/2000/10/the_earth_charter.html The following points are extracted to highlight the many ways that it is appropriate for the activities associated with the NMC.

  1. Respect Earth and life in all its diversity.
    a. Recognize that all beings are interdependent and every form of life has value regardless of its worth to human beings
  2. Care for the community of life with understanding, compassion, and love.
    a. Accept that with the right to own, manage, and use natural resources comes the duty to prevent environmental harm and to protect the rights of people
  3. Build democratic societies that are just, participatory, sustainable, and peaceful.
    b. Promote social and economic justice, enabling all to achieve a secure and meaningful livelihood that is ecologically responsible.
  4. Secure Earth’s bounty and beauty for present and future generations.
    a. Recognize that the freedom of action of each generation is qualified by the needs of future generations.
    b. Transmit to future generations values, traditions, and institutions that support the long-term flourishing of Earth’s human and ecological communities.

 In order to fulfill these four broad commitments, it is necessary to focus on the concept of


5. Protect and restore the integrity of Earth’s ecological systems, with special concern for biological diversity and the natural processes that sustain life.

  • a. Adopt at all levels sustainable development plans and regulations that make environmental conservation and rehabilitation integral to all development initiatives
  • b. Establish and safeguard viable nature and biosphere reserves, including wild lands and marine areas, to protect Earth’s life support systems, maintain biodiversity, and preserve our natural heritage
  • c. Promote the recovery of endangered species and ecosystems
  • d. Control and eradicate non-native or genetically modified organisms harmful to native species and the environment, and prevent introduction of such harmful organisms
  • e. Manage the use of renewable resources such as water, soil, forest products, and marine life in ways that do not exceed rates of regeneration and that protect the health of ecosystems
  • f. Manage the extraction and use of non-renewable resources such as minerals and fossil fuels in ways that minimize depletion and cause no serious environmental damage

6. Prevent harm as the best method of environmental protection and, when knowledge is limited, apply a precautionary approach

  • a. Take action to avoid the possibility of serious or irreversible environmental harm even when scientific knowledge is incomplete or inconclusive
  • b. Place the burden of proof on those who argue that a proposed activity will not cause significant harm, and make the responsible parties liable for environmental harm
  • c. Ensure that decision making addresses the cumulative, long-term, indirect, long distance, and global consequences of human activities
  • d. Prevent pollution of any part of the environment and allow no build-up of radioactive, toxic, or other hazardous substances
  • e. Avoid military activities damaging to the environment

7. Adopt patterns of production, consumption, and reproduction that safeguard Earth’s regenerative capacities, human rights, and community well-being.

  • a. Reduce, reuse, and recycle the materials used in production and consumption systems, and ensure that residual waste can be assimilated by ecological systems
  • b. Act with restraint and efficiency when using energy, and rely increasingly on renewable energy sources such as solar and wind
  • c. Promote the development, adoption, and equitable transfer of environmentally sound technologies
  • d. Internalize the full environmental and social costs of goods and services in the selling price, and enable consumers to identify products that meet the highest social and environmental standards
  • e. Ensure universal access to health care that fosters reproductive health and responsible reproduction
  • f. Adopt lifestyles that emphasize the quality of life and material sufficiency in a finite world

8. Advance the study of ecological sustainability and promote the open exchange and wide application of the knowledge acquired.

3.0  Ecosystem Integrity

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1.0 Strategies for a Sustainable Marine Future : Introduction

1.0 Introduction:

The key message of this curriculum resource is on global marine issues, and the integral role of all humans in maintaining environmentally sustainable marine ecosystems. Examples from the British Columbia marine environment are used to illustrate the principles which can also apply on a global scale. The over-arching concept of this resource is what marine environmental sustainability means locally and how people can be encouraged to commit to contribute to the process. We believe that people of all ages can use the tools to actively participate in making our marine environment sustainable.

logoWe thank the Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre, in Sidney on Vancouver Island in British Columbia for supporting the development of the document that provides the basis for this curriculum resource. I encourage you to visit this Centre which opened in the spring of 2009.

Garry Fletcher
Marine Education Consulting, Metchosin, BC


Proceed to 2.0 Marine Environmental Sustainability

3.0 Biodiversity and the need to Conserve

As a sub-theme, Biodiversity can accomplish many goals and provides a wealth of opportunities for curricular applications.

The Curriculum pages provide many objectives that relate to biodiversity.

cbd1.The best resource for this topic can be found on the CBD website:


2. Also, this pdf from the UNEP website: http://www.unep.org/geo/geo4/report/05_Biodiversity.pdf


  • People rely on biodiversity in their daily lives, often without realizing it.
  • Current losses of biodiversity are restricting future development options.
  • Biodiversity plays a critical role in providing livelihood security for people.
  • From the use of genetic resources to harnessing other ecosystem services, agriculture throughout the world is dependent on biodiversity.
  • Many of the factors leading to the accelerating loss of biodiversity are linked to the increasing use of energy by society.
  • Human health is affected by changes in biodiversity and ecosystem services.
  • Human societies everywhere have depended on biodiversity for cultural identity, spirituality, inspiration, aesthetic enjoyment and recreation.
  • Biodiversity loss continues because current policies and economic systems do not incorporate the values of biodiversity effectively in either the political or the market systems, and many current policies are not fully implemented.
 Although many losses of biodiversity, including the degradation of ecosystems, are slow or gradual, they can lead to sudden and dramatic declines in the capacity of biodiversity to contribute to human well- being. Modern societies can continue to develop without further loss of biodiversity only if market and policy failures are rectified.  These failures include perverse production subsidies, undervaluation of biological resources, failure to internalize environmental costs into prices and failure to appreciate global values at the local level. Reducing the rate of biodiversity loss by 2010 or beyond will require multiple and mutually supportive policies of conservation, sustainable use and the effective recognition of value for the benefits derived from the wide variety of life on Earth. Some such policies are already in place at local, national and international scales, but their full implementation remains elusive."

3. “From http://www.unep.org/geo/geo4/report/06_Regional_Perspectives.pdf

“Population and economic growth are major factors fuelling increased demand on resources, and contributing to global environmental change in terms of the atmosphere, land, water and biodiversity….”

“A number of factors have led to the deterioration of marine and coastal areas, including fisheries, mangroves and coral reefs. They include rapid development of urban and tourism infrastructure, and of refineries, petrochemical complexes, power and desalination plants, as well as oil spills from ship ballast. Vast areas of terrestrial and marine ecosystems have been severely affected by wars, which led to the discharge of millions of barrels of crude oil into coastal waters. They have also been harmed by the infiltration of oil and seawater into aquifers, and by hazardous waste disposal. Environmental impact assessment requirements were introduced recently. Other responses include programmes to conserve biodiversity, manage coastal zones and develop marine protected areas. is also increasing in the environment.”

Box5.4 Deep Sea Biodiversity recently extended to the deep sea with the designation in 2003 of the Juan de Fuca Ridge system and associated Endeavour Hydrothermal Vents (2,250 metres deep and 250 kilometres south of Vancouver Island, Canada) as a Marine Protected Area.

4. See Value of biodiversity and ecosystem services

5. In October of 2007, The minister of Environment for Brazil spoke in a conference in Norway that focused on the importance of biodiversity in combating poverty and in achieving sustainable development. ( http://www.regjeringen.no/en/dep/md/Selected-topics/Naturmangfold/Vedlegg/Ecosystems-and-People–biodiversity-for-.html?id=487378 )

6. Species Diversity: http://www.millenniumassessment.org/documents/document.287.aspx.pdf

The lowered biomass and fragmented habitats resulting from overexploitation of marine resources is likely to lead to numerous extinctions, especially among large, long-lived, late-maturing spe- cies (Sadovy and Cheung 2003; Sadovy et al. 2003a; Denney et al. 2002).

Fishing is thus one of the major direct anthropogenic forces that has an impact on the structure, function, and biodiversity of the oceans today. Climate change will also have impacts on biodiversity through changes in marine species distributions and abundances. In the coastal biome, other factors, including water quality, pollution, river and estuarine inputs, have large impacts on coastal and marine systems. (See Chapter 19.) Historical over- fishing and other disturbances have caused dramatic decreases in the abundance of large predatory species, resulting in structural and functional changes in coastal and marine ecosystems and the collapse of many marine ecosystems (Jackson et al. 2001). One well-documented example is that of the historic fishing grounds ranging from New England to Newfoundland and Labrador, which once supported immense cod fisheries but which have now been almost completely replaced by fisheries targeting invertebrates, the former prey of these fish (providing a classic example of fishing down marine food webs). The system that once sup- ported cod has almost completely disappeared, fueling fears that this species will not rebuild its local populations, even though fishing pressure has been much reduced (Hutchings and Ferguson 2000; Hutchings 2004; Lilly et al. 2000). However, some col- lapsed stocks have been able to recover once fishing pressure is removed: the North Sea herring fishery collapsed due to over- harvest in the late 1970s but recovered after a four-year closure (Bjørndal 1988). On a much smaller scale, but nevertheless wide- spread throughout the tropics, coral reef areas have been degraded by a combination of overfishing, pollution, and climate variability.

Archives : The  Metchosin Biodiversity Strategy

3.1.0 Ecosystem Integrity








5.7 The Need for Protected Areas

For too long, the government of Canada has bowed to the pressures of special interest groups and has avoided committing areas for no-take reserves on the Pacific Coast. In researching this topic I was surprized to see that several Marine Protected Areas have been created in Eastern Canada in the past year, but none in BC.

The reference on the RAMSAR convention (http://www.ramsar.org/key_brochure_2004_e.htm) provides a valuable source of information about the conservation and wise use of all wetlands. The estuaries and mudflats of the Pacific Coast are exactly the kind of ecosystem that this international convention targets. After defining the wetlands the following is stated as their idea of “Wise Use” .

  • And wise use?
    Wise use is defined as “sustainable utilization for the benefit of mankind in a way compatible with the maintenance of the natural properties of the ecosystem” .
    Sustainable utilization is understood as “human use of a wetland so that it may yield the greatest continuous benefit to present generations while maintaining its potential to meet the needs and aspirations of future generations”.
    “Wise use” therefore has conservation of wetlands, as well as their management and restoration, at its heart.
  • The process for nominating a site in Canada can be found here in Tools for implementing the COnvention on Wetlands. http://www.wetkit.net/modules/2/sub_category.php?parent_cat_id=209&cat_id=229
  • Why are there no RAMSAR sites in theOceanic Regions of Canada. See this map..(http://www.aquatic.uoguelph.ca/wetlands/chramsar.htm ? A good idea for a take away action item.

from: Marine Fisheries Systems:


18.6.3 Effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas Marine protected areas with no-take reserves at their core can reestablish the natural structures that have enabled earlier fisheries to maintain themselves. (See also Chapter 4.) MPAs are not a recent concept. Historically, many fisheries were sustained be- cause a portion of the target population was not accessible. Most targeted fisheries were offshore or in areas adjacent to lands with low human populations and therefore subject to relatively low threat. However, modern fishing technology for mapping the sea- bed and for finding and preserving fish (artificial ice and blast freezing) expanded the reach of fishing fleets. A number of recent studies have demonstrated that MPAs can help in managing fisheries (Roberts et al. 2002). Most of these studies have covered spatially small areas and primarily in tropical shelf systems, although emerging studies from temperate areas, such as New Zealand and Chile, have also demonstrated MPA effectiveness. However, other studies have found that MPAs have not delivered the expected benefits of protecting species and their habitats (Hilborn et al. 2004; Edgar and Barrett 1999; Willis et al. 2003). In many cases failure was due to either not including MPAs as part of a broader coastal management system or a lack of man- agement effectiveness, funding, or enforcement. In the Gulf of Mexico, for example, the establishment of MPAs merely shifted fishing effort to other areas and increased the vulnerability of other stocks and endangered species (Coleman et al. 2004). Knowledge on the size and location of MPAs that can act as effective buffers against the impacts of fishing requires further research.It has been widely and repeatedly demonstrated that marine protected areas, particularly no-take marine reserves, are essential to maintain and restore biodiversity in coastal and marine areas (COMPASS and NCEAS 2001). Their wide-scale adoption is inhibited by the perception that biodiversity is unimportant relative to fishers’ access to exploitable resources. Therefore, the propo- nents of marine reserves have been saddled with the additional task of demonstrating that setting up no-take reserves will increase fisheries yields in the surrounding areas, as well as determining the appropriate size and siting of marine reserves that are needed to at least sufficiently offset the loss of fishing grounds. This requirement, combined with initiatives by recreational fishers as- serting rights to fish, has effectively blocked the creation of marine reserves in many parts of the world. Thus while the cumulative area of marine protected areas is now about 1% of the world’s oceans, only about one tenth of that—0.1% of the world’s oceans—is effectively a no-take area. This gives an air of unreality to suggestions that 20% and an opti- mum of 30 –50% of the world’s ocean should be protected from fishing to prevent the loss of some species now threatened with extinction and to maintain and rebuild some currently depleted commercial stocks (National Research Council 2001; Roberts et al. 2002; Airame et al. 2003; Agardy et al. 2003). Even the more modest CBD target of 10% MPA coverage by 2012 will be hard to reach. One approach to resolving this dilemma is to take an adaptive management approach so that the use of MPAs within a suite of fisheries management options can be assessed and modified as new information emerges and lessons learned are shared (Hilborn et al. 2004). This avoids unrealistic expectations on the improved performance of MPAs. Any approach to the use of MPAs in man- aging marine ecosystems would also benefit enormously from including performance monitoring and enforcement programs to address some of the management problems that have traditionally hindered effectiveness (Coleman et al. 2004). If properly located and within a context of controlled fishing capacity, no-take marine reserves enhance conventional fisheries management outcomes. They may, in some cases, reduce catches in the short term, but they should contribute significantly to im- proving fishers’ livelihoods as well as biodiversity over the mid to long term. Marine reserves generally perform this way in inshore shelf systems (such as reefs); many case studies, as shown in Saba Marine Park (Netherlands Antilles), Leigh Marine Reserve (New Zealand), and Sumilon Island Reserve (Philippines), are described in detail in Roberts and Hawkins (2000) to support this. How- ever, understanding of the effectiveness of marine reserves in managing fisheries in deeper oceanic areas is more limited. Further, the protection and monitoring of these deep-sea areas and other undamaged areas may, in line with the precautionary princi- ple, avoid the need for mitigation or restoration of the systems later, when costs are likely to be higher (and in some cases restoration may not be viable). Already, the demand for fish resources has pushed fishing fleets into international waters, and as other resources become scarcer in national waters (such as gas, oil, minerals, and carbon sinks), conflicts over the best use of these common resources and spaces will increase. Hence the growing call for ocean zoning, including the creation of no-take zones that would reestablish the reserves that were once in place due to vessels lacking the tech- nology to gain access to deeper, offshore areas, which in the past has protected exploited species.



3. Marine Protected Areas of the United States http://mpa.gov/

Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are valuable tools for conserving the nation’s natural and cultural marine resources as part of an ecosystem approach to management. The United States has many types of MPAs for many purposes, including conservation of natural heritage, cultural heritage and sustainable production. Learn more about the national effort to build an effective national system of marine protected areas.

4 Australian MPAs http://www.environment.gov.au/coasts/mpa/index.html

5.WWF: Our Solutions: Marine Protected Areas http://www.panda.org/about_wwf/what_we_do/marine/our_solutions/protected_areas/index.cfm

Only 0.6% of the world’s oceans are protected, and the vast majority of existing marine parks and reserves suffer from little or no effective management. This is despite the fact that MPAs not only help safeguard biodiversity, they can also benefit fisheries and people.he benefits offered by MPAs include:
• Maintaining biodiversity and providing refuges for species
• Protecting important habitats from damage by destructive fishing practices and other human activities and allowing damaged areas to recover
• Providing areas where fish are able to spawn and grow to their adult size
• Increasing fish catches (both size and quantity) in surrounding fishing grounds
• Building resilience to protect against damaging external impacts, such as climate change
• Helping to maintain local cultures, economies, and livelihoods which are intricately linked to the marine environment
• Serving as benchmarks for undisturbed, natural ecosystems, that can be used to measure the effects of human activities in other areas, and thereby help to improve resource management

6. The Science of Marine Reserves


This site has a good set of videos.

These resources provide the latest scientific information about reserves in an understandable and accessible format. They are designed to be used by natural resource managers, government officials, scientists, and the interested public. To view the video by segment or a PDF version of the U.S. booklet, international booklet, or 2002 booklet, please click on the links below.

7.CPAWS About Marine Protected Areas

Benefits of Marine Reserves:

>Conservation of commercial resources
> Protection of critical and unique habitats
> Conservation of endangered or threatened species
> Scientific research and monitoring
> Enhancement of recreation and tourism opportunities
> Socioeconomic benefits for coastal communities
> Evidence that MPAs work

8. MPA News


5.8 The Ecological Footprint

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8.1 The Southern Vancouver Island Ecosystems Map

The idea of a Google map is something that could be worked on by students as part of
their take-away assignment, or it could be produced by individuals who can highlight the major marine ecosystems and special features of those features along our coasts.

Below is a sample.  Any of the locations, and images can be linked to other websites.


Larger Map

Gulf Islands Marine Park:

See this example of Race Rocks Topography map:


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Metchosin 2010 Sustainability Report: Building Resilience for Uncertainty.

The Metchosin 2010 Sustainability Report: Building Resilience for Uncertainty.

( Note: this has been converted from a WORD document, so some formatting has been changed)

March 29, 2011


In 2009 the District of Metchosin signed the British Columbia Climate Action Charter, committing the District to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The high environmental and financial costs of dependency on fossil fuels and the potential effects of climate change make Metchosin vulnerable to a range of new challenges, including increased costs for municipal services, vulnerability to food and water shortages, and increased risk of natural disasters.

This report outlines ways in which the District and residents can prepare for these challenges by building resilience and sustainability into the community through personal choices and careful government decision making and it provides recommendations for action in a number of specific areas.


Metchosin’s existing protected areas, current zoning, and tree cutting bylaws will help to maintain tree cover in our largely forested municipality and thereby facilitate carbon storage and reduce water run-off and erosion. The following recommendations will further enhance Metchosin’s ability to protect habitat and store and sequester carbon.

  1. Celebrate the values associated with Metchosin’s forests-including carbon sequestration and storage-and maintain current municipal efforts to protect them;
  2. Increase protected forest lands in Metchosin, where agriculture is not affected;
  3. Consider forest restoration and better management of our existing forests (for example, through invasive species control);
  4. Increase awareness of issues such as insects and disease in our forests, and consider implementing a program such as FireSmart to reduce the risk of forest fires.


Metchosin’s existing shoreline slopes development permit area, large lots and low density zoning have helped to reduce development impacts along coastlines, and have protected marine coastal habitat and its ability to store and sequester carbon. Metchosin will help achieve sustainability and resiliency in its coastal areas by implementing the following:

  1. Lobby senior governments to recognize that municipalities are often the first to notice problems along their marine coasts and municipalities need the authority to protect these ecosystems;
  2. Consider zoning all marine shorelines in Metchosin as a development permit area in order to protect their natural values;
  3. Establish a program to document and monitor coastal resources, including eel-grass and kelp beds, and forage fish habitat, with the goal of ensuring no net loss of those resources;
  4. Produce a pamphlet to help educate both the public, and land owners with property bordering on the shoreline, of the sensitivity of coastal ecosystems, in order to reduce harmful impacts on coastal ecosystems;
  5. Identify and map areas important to forage fish and consider a method of restricting beach fires and other damaging activities in these areas at times of the year which are sensitive for forage fish.


Water is fundamental to all living things and locally we must ensure the continued quantity and quality of our water supply. Metchosin has done much to ensure the protection of its surface waters with the Rainwater Protection and Management bylaw. Two of Metchosin’s lakes, Matheson and Blinkhorn, have no development around their shores, which protects their healthy aquatic and riparian ecosystems. The Bilston Creek Development Permit Area zoning reduces the impact of development on Bilston Creek. The following actions will further protect the District’s critically important water resources:

  1. Incorporate into the OCP recognition of the importance of sustaining our surface water, groundwater, and water table (i.e., aquatic systems) in order to provide safe, clean water for our needs while ensuring sufficient water for natural (ecological) systems;
  2. Develop a groundwater protection bylaw to protect groundwater quality and sustainability into the future;
  3. Consider control of aggressive introduced species that lead to rapid infill of wetlands (e.g. purple loosestrife and yellow iris);
  1. Encourage the restoration of wetlands;
  2. Encourage the orderly flow of piped water, to extend the life of the CRD water infrastructure as long as possible into the future;
  1. Promote rainwater harvest, xeriscaping, and efficient irrigation to conserve groundwater;
  2. Protect  groundwater and all bodies of water from pollution;
  3. Support changes to building and plumbing codes to permit  the reuse of greywater, for activities where it is deemed safe.
  4. Encourage farmers to improve agricultural irrigation water productivity (e.g. drip irrigation).


Metchosin is fortunate to have considerable intact natural areas. It is important to preserve unprotected green and blue spaces, in part to maintain the ecosystem services they provide. Ways to ensure this are:

  1. Lobby the provincial government to protect provincial Crown lands in Metchosin as parkland;
  2. Lobby the federal government to protect/preserve the ecological integrity and natural areas of the lands it owns (i.e., Mary Hill, Rocky Point, and Albert Head);
  3. Support efforts to protect areas identified in the 2011 Parks report (Report on Ecological Values of Potential Park Acquisitions), the OCP and the Blue/Green Spaces Strategy;
  4. Support residents and other organizations in their desire to protect the natural values of their properties through placing voluntary conservation covenants on their properties.


Maintaining and expanding local agriculture is an important component of the strategy to enhance Metchosin’s ability to respond to the threat of a changing climate and dependence on off-Island food sources. The following actions will help protect the District’s agricultural potential:

  1. Support and enhance the Agricultural Land Commission ‘s mandate to preserve agricultural lands for agriculture;
  2. Maintain and, where possible, strengthen the protection of agricultural land, possibly through the adoption of an Agriculture Area Plan;
  3. Support efforts to improve public awareness of local agriculture and farmer access to local markets;
  4. Support sufficient vending opportunity in Metchosin and other area markets;
  5. Support programs  providing educational and extension services to new farmers, including workshop, demonstration, mentorship and other services;
  6. Support and encourage local abattoir capacity;
  7. Support and encourage local agricultural producers;
  8. Support the Peninsula Agriculture Commission as regional venue to protect and preserve agriculture in southern Vancouver Island;
  9. Support sustainable greenhouse capability;
  10. Support edge planning (buffering/hedgerows) around individual farms and around the ALR;
  11. Support initiatives to improve long term leasing opportunities for agriculture;
  12. Consider options for improving agricultural irrigation water productivity (eg drip irrigation);
  13. Encourage and support organic farming practices and ecological stewardship;
  14. Encourage the most efficient use of ground and surface water possible;
  15. Educate the public on the control of invasive and noxious weeds, such as Tansy ragwort, gorse and Scotch broom;
  16. Support initiatives for opportunities for small farmers to increase and diversify incomes through value-added products, agricultural services, and on-farm processing;
  17. Support Vancouver Island University’s proposed Agriculture Resource and Innovation Centre as a vehicle for the provision of education and extension services to Vancouver Island farmers.


Metchosin residents have many opportunities to enjoy recreational activities at home instead of traveling to other municipalities. Some ways to increase these opportunities are:

  1. Encourage the use of Metchosin sports facilities by promoting more participation by Metchosin residents (e.g. cricket field, tennis court, riding rink and dirt jump park);
  2. Encourage partnerships with the YM/WCA-Camp Thunderbird, the Boys and Girls Club-Metchosin Wilderness Camp, local schools, Pearson College and other appropriate organizations, for expansion of the use of their facilities to Metchosin residents;
  3. Consider a partnership to develop an all-weather playing field and to promote the expanded use of the cricket field.



Transportation is cited as the leading cause of Metchosin’s green house gas (GHG) emissions.  In order to reduce the District’s GHG emissions, it is important to improve access to public transportation and to overcome the community’s reluctance to use it. The following actions will help:

  1. Continue to improve the availability of public transportation, bus shelters, secure bike storage, park & rides and carpooling by liaising with BC Transit and promote these travel options through public education;
  2. Continue to improve pedestrian and non-motorized corridors (trails) by constructing bike lanes and trails where applicable and when funding permits;
  3. Encourage and support a vehicle sharing co-op;
  4. Consider the environmental standards of any vehicle purchased by the municipality and make purchases that best support the municipal objectives and the environment;
  5. Review road design standards for municipal roads to ensure that they are in keeping with the character of the District, that they minimize environmental degradation and the potential for erosion, that they foster traffic safety and that they permit the safe and proper access for emergency and road maintenance vehicles;
  6. As technology and funding opportunities become available, facilitate the establishment of an electric vehicle recharging station in the village centre.

2. BUILT STRUCTURES (including Residential)

The District has committed to reducing GHG emissions over 2007 levels by 33% by 2020. Buildings account for 13.8% of emissions. The provincial government has authority over the building code. Lobbying the province for changes which will enable greener buildings will help reduce emissions. Additional ways to achieve this are:

  1. Consider land use decisions, as appropriate for Metchosin, based on changes in, and projections of, groundwater and aquifer levels, snow loads, extreme rain and droughts, greater storm surges along the shoreline. Revise snow load requirements, road drainage plans, floodplain and shoreline regulations and locally-adapted fire smart guidelines as needed;
  2. Continue to assess bridges, septic systems and new infrastructure in floodplains using 100-200 year flood projections;
  3. Lobby the province for changes to the Building Code that allow for greener building practices (e.g. greywater reuse systems, composting toilets);
  4. Require all new construction to have minimal environmental impact, including minimizing GHG emissions;
  5. Encourage policies promoting building methods that have minimal impact on ecosystems and landscape;
  6. Continue to encourage building practices that minimize or offset the loss of pervious surfaces (see District Rainwater Management bylaw);
  7. Allow other green building policies that can be demonstrated to meet the functions and safety objectives of the building code while protecting the interests of future owners, such as green roofs, night sky friendly lighting, etc.;
  8. Post a personal carbon footprint calculator on the District website;
  9. Post information on the District website about the latest technological innovations on energy use reduction strategies (e.g., see appendix 5);
  10. Post government sponsored homeowner initiatives for carbon footprint and energy use reduction on the district website with links to Energy Canada (http://oee.nrcan.gc.ca/english/), LiveSmart BC (http://www.livesmartbc.ca/), BC Hydro (http://www.bchydro.com/), and BC Sustainable Living (http://www.bcsea.org/solutions) websites (see appendices 3, 4);
  11. Investigate ways in which the District might help residents with renewable energy installations and energy efficiency improvements costs, and consider the concept of Local Improvement Charges;
  12. Provide education on, and encourage, building upgrades regarding energy and water use, such as low flush or composting toilets, energy and water efficient appliances, rainwater storage, green roof, low emission windows, heat recovery systems including ground loop energy systems and solar electric and solar thermal energy systems;
  13. Encourage building new structures to have net zero energy and water impact;
  14. Encourage home energy audits, a first step to help inform home and business owners on their options when considering energy efficiency upgrades (such as sealing window and door drafts);
  15. Develop relevant plans regarding emergency management to take into account increased forest fire risk, flooding, and wind, rain and snow storms;
  16. Consider methods to reduce the footprint of buildings and non-food producing activities on agricultural land (eg encourage compact homes, shops, barns) and that the house and accessory building(s) and storage (parking) footprint does not affect agricultural production and viability.

Metchosin residents are responsible for the disposal of septic wastes. The CRD has a well used recycling system in place, which is continually undergoing innovative change. Further suggestions for the District are:

  1. Encourage the use of techniques which separate greywater from other sources of liquid waste so that greywater can be stored and used for irrigation (excluding irrigation of crops for human consumption);
  2. Lobby for changes to building and plumbing codes to permit the reuse of greywater and composting toilets;
  3. Encourage residents to maintain their septic systems to proper functioning condition and make information about proper septic system construction and maintenance available to Metchosin residents;
  4. Consider the development of a municipal compost yard;
  5. Encourage residents to adopt practices to contain household and kitchen garbage in secure, bear-proof receptacles.


Executive Summary ——————————————————————————– 1
Table of Contents ———————————————————————————— 6
Introduction ——————————————————————————————–                                                                                          Climate Action Charter —————————————————————- 78


Forests ———————————————————————————————- 11
Marine Coastline ————————————————————————————- 12
Ground and Surface Water ————————————————————————– 14
Green and Blue Spaces —————————————————————————— 16
Agriculture ———————————————————————————————— 17
Recreation ———————————————————————————————— 19
Energy and Green House Gas Emissions ——————————————————Transportation ——————————————————————————–Built Structures (including Residential) ————————————————-

Solid Waste ————————————————————————————






Appendix 1Metchosin Community Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory: 2007 –— 26
Appendix 2Mitigating and Adapting to Climate Change through the Conservation of Nature —– 28
Appendix 3Examples of Canadian Grant Initiatives ———————————————————- 29
Appendix 4Examples of Federal support for Home Retrofits October 2010 —————————- 30
Appendix 5Currently Viable Energy Initiatives —————————————————————– 31
References ———————————————————————————————- 32
Further Reading —————————————————————————————-


In 2009, the District of Metchosin signed the British Columbia Climate Action Charter, committing us to reducing our GHG emissions. The high environmental and financial costs of dependency on fossil fuels and the potential effects of climate change make Metchosin vulnerable to a range of new challenges, including increased costs for municipal services, vulnerability to food and water shortages, and increased risk of natural disasters.

This report outlines ways in which the District and residents can prepare for these challenges by building resilience and sustainability into this community through personal choices and careful government decision making, and provides recommendations for action in a number of specific areas.

The report addresses the following diverse but related topics: Forests; Marine Coastline; Freshwater; Green and Blue Spaces; Agriculture; Recreation, and Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Transportation, Built Structures, and Waste). Under each topic we review context (how the topic is related to the goals of resilience and sustainability) and issues (how the topic pertains specifically to Metchosin), and provide recommendations for both the municipal staff and the citizens of Metchosin.

The terms sustainability and sustainable development can have very different meanings for different people. In its simplest interpretation, sustainability implies managing social, economic and ecological systems in order to sustain healthy communities and healthy ecosystems. This is the definition of sustainability that is adopted for this report.

An essential aspect to sustainability will be achieving the ability to absorb, recover and adapt to conditions and events we cannot predict. In other words, we must manage our communities and regions for resilience in every sector, from the infrastructure we build, to the social systems that bind us together in coexistence and cooperation, to the ecosystems that provide services essential to our survival.

Resilience – the ability of a system to absorb shocks, to avoid crossing a threshold into an alternate and possibly irreversible new state, and to regenerate after disturbance (Resilience Alliance, 2009).

The challenges ahead are immense and will require global cooperation among nations if we have a hope of solving them; but the local level is where this translates to concrete and measurable action. Community sustainability and resilience are improved by addressing a wide variety of sectors, from human social and economic systems and human built systems to ecological systems.

Responding to climate change and resource uncertainty requires the following:

  • mitigation of climate impacts through a reduction of fossil fuel use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (e.g. cycling trails);
  • adaptation of our activities and infrastructure for the unavoidable impacts, regardless of current mitigation measures (e.g. building infrastructure to 100-200 yr flood levels);
  • conservation of the ecosystem that provides life supporting services to us (e.g. protecting forests);
  • management of the resources we have (e.g. water conservation).

These four themes – climate mitigation, climate adaptation, ecological conservation, and resource management – underlie and are addressed by the various topics covered in this report. By acting to address these specific areas, we will make significant strides towards ensuring comprehensive community sustainability and resilience for Metchosin into the future.

Action has already begun in the form of the BC Climate Action Charter – a climate mitigation and resource management measure to which Metchosin is a signatory – which commits the municipality to achieving GHG neutrality within its municipal operations by 2012 and a municipality-wide reduction of 33% by 2020.  This report provides recommendations on how to work toward this commitment.


The Province of BC created a Climate Action Charter that states in part:

1      (e) governments urgently need to implement effective measures to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and prepare for climate change impacts.

In 2009, the District of Metchosin signed the Climate Action Charter. Our community is committed by the Charter to the following goals:

  1. i.      being carbon neutral which respect to our operations by 2012,
  2. ii.     measuring and reporting on our community’s GHG emissions

The third goal of the Charter is written primarily for urban communities:

  1. iii.   creating complete, compact, more energy efficient rural and urban communities (e.g. foster a built environment that supports a reduction in car dependency and energy use, establish policies and processes that support fast tracking of green development projects, adopt zoning practices that encourage land use patterns that increase density and reduce sprawl.)

Metchosin feels that the rural and natural character of the municipality require a different and complementary approach to achieving the objectives of the charter – especially the third objective. For example, the Charter calls upon municipalities to

            “adopt zoning practices that encourage land use patterns that increase density …” as a   means of creating “compact, more energy efficient … communities.”

Increasing density is in direct conflict with Metchosin’s 1995 Official Community Plan (OCP). Metchosin must adopt its own, rural approach to addressing its commitments under the Charter. This will include maintaining the slow growth philosophy of the district, where small and slow is better.

In 1984, the district’s OCP projected a twenty year build-out population of 6,170; the census of 2006 reports a population of 4,795, significantly less than projected and a decrease from the previous census. In addition, Metchosin is a forested community with an agricultural base, important components in a complementary strategy to address climate change while maintaining and building resilience in the District.

The Climate Action Charter states in:

            1. (a) the scientific consensus is that increasing emissions of human caused greenhouse gases (GHG), including carbon dioxide, methane and other GHG emissions, that are released into the atmosphere are affecting Earth’s climate.

By maintaining large lot zoning and low population density, the district is able to retain its forested and agricultural land base and relatively pristine marine shoreline. In retaining its forested land base the District reduces the release of new carbon emissions into the atmosphere that would result from conversion of the natural landscape (through tree cutting and development), and continues to act as a carbon sink by sequestering carbon in its forests. Most of Metchosin’s forests are under eighty years of age and are, therefore, in a rapid carbon sequestering trajectory, benefiting the district and the region. Low density development and zoning has also reduced the potential for severe degradation of coastal marine ecosystems, which sequester and store carbon at a far greater rate than forests.

Protection of the agricultural potential of the community has long been a District priority. Local food production, by helping to reduce reliance on imported food with its attendant transportation and GHG emissions, is another method of reducing carbon use and building resilience into the community.

By signing the Climate Action Charter, the District recognizes that it has a duty to further address GHG emissions and to protect the community from the impacts of climate change, increasing energy costs and global instability by building resilience into the framework of the decision making process. Dependence on fossil fuels limits the District’s ability to make choices that protect the environment and food security, and affects decisions on financial matters that impact taxes.

To address the District’s commitments under the Climate Action Charter, Metchosin needs to do two things: reduce the amount of GHGs emitted, and increase (or at least maintain) the amount of GHGs that our plants pull out of the air (sequester). The District has always supported local agriculture, home based businesses, volunteer oragnisations, seniors initiatives, large lot zoning, environmental bylaws and others which help to mitigate GHG emissions.

To reduce emissions, it helps to understand where they are currently coming from. The province prepared Community Energy and Emissions Inventories in 2007 as a baseline to determine GHG emissions. Metchosin’s total GHG emissions for 2007 have been measured at 23,395 tons/yr (see Appendix 1). The three major contributors are: transportation (84%); buildings (13.8%); and solid waste (2.2%) (see diagram on next page). The three chapters, Transportation, Built Structures and Solid Waste, provide suggestions about how the District might reduce GHG emissions from these activities.

Source: Metchosin: Community Energy & Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory: 2007

To increase (or at least maintain) the amount of GHGs that the plants in Metchosin pull out of the air, the District must protect, and sometimes restore, the capacity of Metchosin’s ecosystems to sequester carbon – to photosynthesize. That is what much of the sections on Forests, Marine Coastline and Green and Blue Spaces are about.

The sections on Freshwater, Agriculture and Recreation provide measures that build and maintain resilience by providing local choices (sufficient clean water supply, food and local recreational opportunities) that can help sustain the community in times of change.

These recommendations will help Metchosin address its commitments under the Climate Action Charter – referred to earlier as mitigation. But they will also allow the District to build a community that is more resilient to inevitable changes in climate – that is, allow Metchosin to adapt to climate changes and the looming threat of peak oil. Protecting and enhancing ecosystems to ensure that they absorb greenhouse gases also protects those ecosystems for the other things that are valued – for biodiversity, for fish and wildlife, for recreation, and for the beauty that surrounds us.



In 2005, approximately 5,634 hectares of Metchosin were forested. This amounts to about 76% of the District. Forest cover maps from the mid-19th century show almost all of Metchosin as forested. Most of Metchosin’s forests were logged in the early 20th century and have subsequently re-grown into mature 2nd-growth forest. Approximately 24% of Metchosin is currently non-forested, representing areas that have been cleared for agriculture, residential development and recreation (e.g., golf courses, playing fields).

Metchosin’s forests belong to the Coastal Douglas-Fir (CDF) ecological zone and the Very Dry Maritime Coastal Western Hemlock subzone (CWHxm). Both ecological zones have little remaining old-growth forest and a low percentage of protected areas. This means that Metchosin’s forests represent some of Canada’s most endangered forest types. The Department of National Defense (DND) lands at Rocky Point and Mary Hill contain the best remaining examples of CDF old forest globally. Most of Metchosin’s existing protected areas are forested.

Metchosin has more forest than any other Capital Regional District (CRD) municipality – almost 20% of all CRD forest is in Metchosin. Our current zoning and bylaws reflect our vision of maintaining a rural and natural environment, and help protect our trees and forests.

Metchosin’s forests are important for many reasons: as wildlife habitat; as a carbon sink and store; as a source of firewood; timber and non-timber forest products (such as mushrooms and floral greens); for intercepting rainfall and stabilizing slopes; for shade for people, aquatic species and animals; and for the aesthetic and spiritual values they impart to Metchosin. Protecting Metchosin’s forests also protects the ‘ecosystem services’ they provide (clean air, water and other necessities of life).

It is estimated that southern Vancouver Island’s old-growth Douglas-fir forests store approximately 500-700 tonnes/ha of carbon (Trofymow et al. 2008). Metchosin’s forests, mostly maturing second-growth, will contain less. Still, even if we assume a conservative measure of 300 tonnes/hectare, Metchosin’s forests contain at least 1.5 million tonnes of carbon. These forests sequester an additional (approximately) 1 tonnes/ha/yr, absorbing one quarter of Metchosin’s emissions. If areas are logged and replanted, carbon will be lost to the atmosphere, and it will take decades until that new forest is pulling in carbon at the same rate as the forest that was logged. If the area is logged and not regenerated as forest, the ability of that ecosystem to sequester carbon will be permanently lost (appendix 2). Maintaining (or increasing) Metchosin’s forested area is an important component of Metchosin’s overall GHG strategy.

Metchosin’s Tree Management Bylaw (287) limits the number of trees that may be removed annually without a permit and gives further protection to some species of trees.

Using wood from Metchosin’s forests as fuel – simply as firewood in our woodstoves or as a component of some more complex biomass energy generation program – is generally considered as a carbon-neutral source of energy (this assumes, among other things, that the wood is sustainably harvested). There may also be options to use a farm field for bioenergy production (such as fast-growing willow shrubs) to provide energy for a small biomass burning facility in the Village Centre to provide heat for the various municipal buildings and other Village centre facilities. This would require some investment – but may be one way to reduce Metchosin’s dependence on imported energy (and electricity) and to make use of local resources.

There may be opportunities to generate revenue through long-term legal protection of forested areas utilizing conservation offsets, a form of carbon offset. The price of a carbon offset on the Pacific Carbon Trust range from $10-$25/tonne and on the international Voluntary Carbon Standard registry from $3-$15/tonne (Briony Penn, 2010). However, these might have to be newly protected (not existing protected) areas and there is currently much uncertainty about how this newly-emerging market will work.


  • Between 1986 and 2005, Metchosin’s forested area (tree cover density >50%) declined by 505 hectares (8.2%). This appears to be because of residential and golf course development, and clearing for agriculture;
  • Long term (100+ years) legal preservation of Metchosin forests is crucial to maintaining ecosystem resilience, to continue to sequester carbon emissions and as carbon storage;
  • Many of Metchosin’s forests are mature second-growth forests. As our forests age over the next century or two, fuels will accumulate and wildfire risk will increase. Forest fires will endanger lives and property, but will also increase GHG emissions and reduce GHG removal from the atmosphere by reducing the number of trees.


Metchosin’s existing protected areas, current zoning, and tree cutting bylaws will help to maintain tree cover in our largely forested municipality and thereby facilitate carbon storage and reduce water run-off and erosion. The following recommendations will further enhance Metchosin’s ability to protect habitat and store and sequester carbon.

  1. Celebrate the values associated with Metchosin’s forests, including carbon sequestration and storage, and maintain current municipal efforts to protect them.;
  2. Increase protected forest lands in Metchosin, where agriculture is not affected;
  3. Consider forest restoration and better management of our existing forests (for example, through invasive species control);
  4. Increase awareness of issues such as insects and disease in our forests, and consider implementing a program such as FireSmart to reduce the risk of forest fires.



Metchosin has 937 ha (2,314 acres) of foreshore and land covered by water (OCP, 1995), and almost 50 km of marine shoreline.

Nearshore marine habitats are reported to store carbon efficiently and in large quantities. According to a report by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (Pidgeon, 2009), oceans, particularly nearshore coastal ecosystems, sequester vast amounts of carbon in sea grass beds and salt marshes. These ecosystems are extremely efficient at burying carbon in the sediment below them, where it can remain for millennia. They can store ten times more carbon in their soils per hectare than temperate forests. While the district has no legal authority over coastal marine habitats, Metchosin’s low population density, the designation of a shoreline slopes development permit area and zoning bylaws, help to protect these areas from development that might adversely affect critical coastal habitats and carbon sinks.

Although the Crown owns the foreshore to the high tide mark there are still considerable threats to the ecological integrity of this area. The shoreline is a dynamic interface between two systems, the terrestrial uplands and the open ocean. As typical of any natural systems, they cannot be separated in terms of management decisions as they have processes which interact.


  • Metchosin has no legal authority over areas below the high tide mark and senior government departments with this authority suffer from cutbacks and low staffing levels that make protection of the marine shoreline and nearshore habitats problematic;
  • Some homeowners build hard shoreline protective buffers, which cause consequent erosion to the neighbouring properties and a cycle of building further hard shoreline protective buffers. These buffers scour beaches and nearshore ecosystems and lead to shoreline habitat destruction, including damage to eelgrass and kelp beds and forage fish habitat;
  • Forage fish (surf smelts and Pacific sand lance) spawn on local beaches and their spawning habitat and associated beach ecosystems are negatively impacted by increased human traffic, beach fires, and horseback riding;
  • The closure of the beaches to fire activity in neighbouring districts in recent years and the increase of fires on local beaches can have an effect on beach organisms, as well as air quality;
  • Destruction of shoreline vegetation by development removes valuable shade protection for migrating fish and leads to increased siltation;
  • Intertidal organisms and biodiversity are highly subject to the impacts from chemicals in stormwater runoff and from human sewage effluent from poorly functioning septic systems;
  • Unregulated boat traffic and motor emissions in ecologically sensitive marine areas can have a negative impacts on biodiversity;
  • There is an ever-increasing risk of coastal pollution from increased tanker traffic;
  • Unregulated cruise ships dumping in our waters can impact on local fisheries and ecosystems;
  • DND activities, such as underwater blasting and shoreline blasting and demolition, disturb shoreline habitat and affect both resident and migratory animal species;
  • Deforestation on upland slopes leads to deterioration of coastal ecosystems;
  • Erosion from road building, utility and sewer installation and subdivision development carry silt into the receiving waters and has a negative impact on filter feeders (e.g. clams, mussels and anemone) in the ocean;
  • Removal of materials from the coastline can contribute to coastal erosion.


Metchosin’s existing shoreline slopes development permit area, large lots and low density zoning have helped to reduce development impacts along coastlines, and have protected marine coastal habitat and its ability to store and sequester carbon. Metchosin will help achieve sustainability and resiliency in its coastal areas by implementing the following:

  1. Lobby senior governments to recognize that municipalities are often the first to notice problems along their marine coasts and municipalities need the authority to protect these ecosystems;
  2. Consider zoning all marine shorelines in Metchosin as a development permit area in order to protect their natural values;
  3. Establish a program to document and monitor coastal resources, including eel-grass and kelp beds, and forage fish habitat, with the goal of ensuring no net loss of those resources;
  4. Produce a pamphlet to help educate both the public, and land owners with property bordering on the shoreline, of the sensitivity of coastal ecosystems, in order to reduce harmful impacts on coastal ecosystems;
  5. Identify and map areas important to forage fish and consider a method of restricting beach fires and other damaging activities in these areas at times of the year which are sensitive for forage fish.



Within Metchosin there are creeks, streams, ponds, wetlands, seasonal watercourses, lagoons and lakes. The areas that surround these water bodies are the riparian zone and protection of the ecosystems within this zone is critical. The water bodies collectively serve essential functions in preserving the integrity of our natural water systems. Riparian zones link ecosystems within a landscape and help to circulate nutrients among different ecosystems.

Wetlands are extremely important as natural filters and runoff buffers, preventing erosion and sedimentation, and as storehouses of CO2. They are also important habitat for many species of waterfowl as well as many other birds, fishes, amphibians, mammals and insects.

All of these water features are connected to the underground water table, the groundwater which supplies our wells. All the other aquatic components feed the water table or feed off the water table; some doing both depending on the seasons. Metchosin has hundreds of drilled water wells and these wells depend of the continued health of all aquatic systems which combine to supply these wells.

It’s obvious that water supports the vegetation but the vegetation also supports the retention and distribution of water. The root systems and the organic material mixed with the soil retain water, which is ultimately used by the plants. These same root systems buffer the flow of water during heavy rains or snow melt and prevent erosion.

All our water systems contribute to the environmental health and quality of Metchosin and are a critically important consideration in any development that impacts water flow or water retention.

We are responsible for sustaining water that flows through our community as a consequence of rainfall and we have a responsibility for contributing to the conservation and management of the CRD water supply.

Metchosin has developed the Rainwater Protection and Management bylaw which states in part:

(the bylaw’s) “purpose is to provide for the protection and effective management of          rainwater and drainage; to maintain and improve water quality in watercourses, water      bodies and riparian-wetland areas; and to protect the “Proper Functioning Condition” of       watercourses, water bodies and riparian-wetland areas throughout the District of        Metchosin”

This is achieved through employing seven principles: maintain ecosystem integrity; sustainability (water resources should not be used beyond their capacity to be naturally replenished, both in quantity and quality); stewardship; accountability (the use of rainwater is a privilege); water quality; public awareness; and the protection of the rights of property owners. The Rainwater Protection and Management bylaw helps avoid changes in runoff patterns as a consequence of building homes, driveways, roads, logging, or land clearing. Metchosin’s “large lot” zoning is also critical to conserving this resource.


  • The forecast of increasingly severe summer droughts is likely to negatively impact water bodies, from lakes to creeks to groundwater. Preserving the integrity of the natural water systems will increasingly be crucial to maintaining groundwater and surface water resources. Understanding the underlying groundwater system of Metchosin will help to protect this critically important resource;
  • 30% of Metchosin properties obtain their water supply from wells; dumping of toxic waste,mining, loss of tree cover and development can negatively impact groundwater supplies. Improperly functioning septic systems and overloaded agricultural systems can contribute to pollution of surface and groundwater systems;
  • Lack of provincial oversight, funding, and enforcement of riparian regulations;
  • Loss of trees can change the absorption of rain and the rate of runoff and lower the water table; logging is not a permitted use in most areas of the District;
  • Aggressive invasive species (purple loosestrife and yellow iris) can hasten the infill of wetlands and reduce their biodiversity and ability to respond to climate change;
  • Wetlands can be infilled for development or agricultural purposes, thereby negatively impacting the water table and surface waters.
  • The CRD watershed and reservoir can supply sufficient water to the CRD at this time. However, a continuing growth in population and water consumption will eventually tax the available supply and the peaks of demand create the need for more infrastructure that needs to be updated more often, need to balance times of demand;


Water is fundamental to all living things and locally we must ensure the continued quantity and quality of our water supply. Metchosin has done much to ensure the protection of its surface waters with the Rainwater Protection and Management bylaw. Two of Metchosin’s lakes, Matheson and Blinkhorn, have no development around their shores, which protects their healthy aquatic and riparian ecosystems. The Bilston Creek Development Permit Area zoning reduces the impact of development on Bilston Creek. The following actions will further protect the District’s critically important water resources:

  1. Incorporate into the OCP recognition of the importance of sustaining our surface water, groundwater, and water table (i.e., aquatic systems) in order to provide safe, clean water for our needs while ensuring sufficient water for natural (ecological) systems;
  2. Develop a groundwater protection bylaw to protect groundwater quality and sustainability into the future;
  3. Consider control of aggressive introduced species that lead to rapid infill of wetlands (e.g. purple loosestrife and yellow iris);
  1. Encourage the restoration of wetlands;
  2. Encourage the orderly flow of piped water, to extend the life of the CRD water infrastructure as long as possible into the future;
  1. Promote rainwater harvest, xeriscaping, and efficient irrigation to conserve groundwater;
  2. Protect  groundwater and all bodies of water from pollution;
  3. Support changes to building and plumbing codes to permit  the reuse of greywater, for activities where it is deemed safe.
  4. Encourage farmers to improve agricultural irrigation water productivity (e.g. drip irrigation).



Protected parks comprise 10.27% (698 hectares) of the district’s 6,942.78 ha; most of them are managed by the CRD (municipal-60 ha), 1070 ha of farmland are protected by British Columbia’s Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR), a further 70 ha are under the protection of conservation covenants.

Though not legally protected, the province’s Crown lands (618.36 ha) and the federal DND land holdings (1322.1 ha) further augment the natural landscape. DND lands have extraordinary ecological values, representing some of the rarest ecosystems and species within Canada and providing immense carbon sequestration abilities and carbon reservoirs. The municipal, regional, provincial and federal large green spaces comprise almost 55% of the district landbase. The district also holds 936.85 ha of water within its boundaries, including foreshore rights.

Metchosin’s natural areas are home to rare and threatened forested and non-forested ecosystems and species. The Garry oak ecosystem is one of the three rarest ecosystems in Canada. Forested ecosystems are critical components of a strategy that includes maintaining our carbon stores and the ability to sequester GHG emissions.

Many landowners cherish the wild creatures and landscape that surrounds them and might wish to place conservation covenants on their lands in order to protect them in perpetuity. Land trusts such as Habitat Acquisition Trust and The Land Conservancy can help residents place voluntary conservation covenants on their properties in order to protect the ecological values of natural areas. Covenants such as these are legally binding and are registered on the property title. However, landowners can still sell their properties if and when they wish. Many of these lands are forested, sequestering carbon and functioning as carbon reservoirs (sinks).


  • Although 2040.26 ha of green space contained within provincial and federal lands are not subject to development at this time, they do not have any actual protected status; future senior governments could decide to open the lands for development. These unprotected green spaces are providing important ecosystem services (such a providing clean air and water), are sequestering carbon, and hold vast reservoirs of stored carbon;
  • Unprotected green spaces that are home to rare and threatened ecosystems and species can be negatively impacted by future development;
  • Some unprotected green and blue spaces that are being used for recreation might face future development.


Metchosin is fortunate to have considerable intact natural areas. It is important to preserve unprotected green and blue spaces, in part to maintain the ecosystem services they provide. Ways to ensure this are:

  1. Lobby the provincial government to protect provincial Crown lands in Metchosin as parkland;
  2. Lobby the federal government to protect/preserve the ecological integrity and natural areas of the lands it owns (i.e., Mary Hill, Rocky Point, and Albert Head);
  3. Support efforts to protect areas identified in the 2011 Parks report (Report on Ecological Values of Potential Park Acquisitions), the OCP and the Blue/Green Spaces Strategy;
  4. Support residents and other organizations in their desire to protect the natural values of their properties through placing voluntary conservation covenants on their properties.AGRICULTURE


A substantial land base in Metchosin is devoted to agriculture with 1070 hectares of land protected by the Agriculture Land Reserve (ALR). Metchosin agriculture is further protected and encouraged through the District’s Official Community Plan (OCP), its land use policies, and an Agriculture Advisory Select Committee reporting to Council. Metchosin’s support for  agriculture is also expressed through the District’s contribution of space on municipal land so that local producers can have easy access to local and regional consumers.

While the District does have an important voice in agriculture in Metchosin, much of the future of agriculture in Metchosin lies with senior levels of government and Crown Corporations such as the BC Assessment and the Agriculture Land Commission.

BC Assessment in 2008 recorded 82 properties being farmed in Metchosin’s ALR and another 70 outside the ALR. Metchosin farms tend to be small. Only a tiny minority of the approximately 150 farmers in Metchosin live without off-farm income.

Metchosin farmers grow a diverse range of products – from vegetables, fruits and root crops to poultry for eggs and meat, to sheep, cattle and pigs, and to flowers, shrubs and trees for landscaping purposes.

The lack of formal educational opportunities in agriculture on Vancouver Island is a constraint to local agriculture. To overcome this situation, Vancouver Island University is considering the establishment of an Agriculture Resource and Innovation Centre.


While agriculture receives formal protection in Metchosin from both the ALR and the District of Metchosin, several issues threaten the long term viability of agriculture in the District. These include, among others:

  • Extremely high prices for the purchase of agricultural land;
  • Purchase of agricultural land for residential development and the removal of such lands from agricultural production;
  • Difficulties in acquiring long-term leases of agricultural land;
  • Lack of agricultural education and extension services;
  • Lack of secure processing opportunity, particularly with meats;
  • Climate change with warmer and wetter winters, hotter summers, less predictable weather, and more frequent extreme weather events will impact agriculture;
  • Increased likelihood of new diseases, insect pests, and invasive species arising from climate change and the increase in global travel;
  • Organic production can be contaminated from non-organic sources (neighbouring properties which use chemical fertilizers and pesticides);
  • Improper use of agricultural land;
  • Availability of sufficient water for agricultural production.


Maintaining and expanding local agriculture is an important component of the strategy to enhance Metchosin’s ability to respond to the threat of a changing climate and dependence on off-Island food sources. The following actions will help protect the District’s agricultural potential:

  1. Support and enhance the Agricultural Land Commission ‘s mandate to preserve agricultural lands for agriculture;
  2. Maintain and, where possible, strengthen the protection of agricultural land, possibly through the adoption of an Agriculture Area Plan;
  3. Support efforts to improve public awareness of local agriculture and farmer access to local markets;
  4. Support sufficient vending opportunity in Metchosin and other area markets;
  5. Support programs  providing educational and extension services to new farmers, including workshop, demonstration, mentorship and other services;
  6. Support and encourage local abattoir capacity;
  7. Support and encourage local agricultural producers;
  8. Support the Peninsula Agriculture Commission as regional venue to protect and preserve agriculture in southern Vancouver Island;
  9. Support sustainable greenhouse capability;
  10. Support edge planning (buffering/hedgerows) around individual farms and around the ALR;
  11. Support initiatives to improve long term leasing opportunities for agriculture;
  12. Consider options for improving agricultural irrigation water productivity (eg drip irrigation);
  13. Encourage and support organic farming practices and ecological stewardship;
  14. Encourage the most efficient use of ground and surface water possible;
  15. Educate the public on the control of invasive and noxious weeds, such as Tansy ragwort, gorse and Scotch broom;
  16. Support initiatives for opportunities for small farmers to increase and diversify incomes through value-added products, agricultural services, and on-farm processing;
  17. Support Vancouver Island University’s proposed Agriculture Resource and Innovation Centre as a vehicle for the provision of education and extension services to Vancouver Island farmers.



Metchosin has many parks, trails and green spaces that provide recreational opportunities for its residents and the CRD in general. Many people use Witty’s Lagoon, Taylor Beach, Devonian Park, and Matheson and Blinkhorn Lake parks for swimming, sunbathing, hiking, and other recreational pursuits. The Galloping Goose Trail is used for cycling, horseback riding, hiking, and commuting. Sections 25, 28 and 95, provincial crown land parcels, are used primarily by their adjacent neighbourhoods for nature hikes and horseback riding. A network of non-roadside trails have been developed during the subdivision process that allow safe horseback and hiking opportunities, connecting neighbourhoods to neighbourhoods. In 2009 council approved the Trails Network Master Plan which provides direction to planners and council on development of priority trails. As well there is a municipal tennis court, bike jump park and cricket field.

The Metchosin School ground is used as a day camp in summer months, Westmont school has a playing field, Hans Helgeson school has a playground. The Community Hall is rented for exercise classes and a badminton club. Hans Helgeson and other schools have gymnasiums and raised theatre facilities that could potentially be accessed by community groups. All these amenities can help to reduce carbon emissions by providing recreational opportunities within Metchosin.

Despite all of the above, most of the facilities in Metchosin are under-used by Metchosin residents.

The district also contributes financially to the Westshore Parks and Recreation Society (WSPRS) facilities.


  • Most children and parents leave the community and drive long distances to be involved in sporting activities;
  • Under-use of local recreational amenities.


Metchosin residents have many opportunities to enjoy recreational activities at home instead of traveling to other municipalities. Some ways to increase these opportunities are:

  1. Encourage the use of Metchosin sports facilities by promoting more participation by Metchosin residents (e.g. cricket field, tennis court, riding rink and dirt jump park);
  2. Encourage partnerships with the YM/WCA-Camp Thunderbird, the Boys and Girls Club-Metchosin Wilderness Camp, local schools, Pearson College and other appropriate organizations, for expansion of the use of their facilities to Metchosin residents;
  3. Consider a partnership to develop an all-weather playing field and to promote the expanded use of the cricket field.


By becoming a signatory to the Climate Action Charter, Metchosin has committed to the following goals:

  • being carbon neutral which respect to municipal operations by 2012;
  • measuring and reporting on the District’s GHG emissions; and
  • Metchosin specifically declared that we are not in favour of densifying, which is the impact of a complete, compact community.

The province prepared Community Energy and Emissions Inventories as a baseline to determine GHG emissions. Our total emissions for 2007 were measured at 23,395 tons/yr; of this total 84% was from transportation, 13.8% was from buildings and 2.2% from solid waste. The municipal staff and residents of Metchosin must work together to achieve these goals.

In the spring of 2010, the District updated the OCP by adding the following objective:

To mitigate detrimental impacts of climate change, and to reduce community      greenhouse gas emissions by 33% over 2007 levels by 2020.”

To address our commitments under the Climate Action Charter, Metchosin needs to reduce the amount of GHGs emitted, and increase (or at least maintain) the amount of GHGs that plants pull out of the air (sequester).

The three chapters in this section provide suggestions about how we might reduce GHG emissions from our three major contributors of GHG: transportation, buildings  and solid waste.



According to the province, motorized transportation is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in Metchosin. Any meaningful effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Metchosin has no choice but to address transportation and the way people use their vehicles. Transport hits the core of our lifestyles. The geographic and infrastructure layout of Metchosin further compound a complex issue. There are no simple solutions.

Sustainable transportation refers to human behaviour, as well as the use of appropriate technology. The objective is to consider not only non-polluting and greener transport choices, regardless of means and technology used, but also individual and social encouragement to promote these choices.

Metchosin bylaws already allow home based businesses on all properties, which can reduce the carbon emissions that incur from commuting. According to the 2006 census data, 12.4% of Metchosin residents worked from home.

Electric vehicle use is emerging as an energy friendly alternative to conventional gas powered vehicles, especially for short commutes

The District supports regional planning on transportation that includes the use of light rail transit.


  • Reluctance on the part of residents to use public transportation. Council has successfully worked with BC Transit in establishing a Park-and-Ride at St. Mary the Incarnation Anglican Church on Metchosin Rd, but use of the Park-and-Ride service is below expectations;
  • Lack of safe cycling and pedestrian infrastructure along roadways. In 2009 Metchosin completed a Trail Network Master Plan that identifies and prioritizes a future trail network for the district that can guide decisions made by future councils, so that the municipality may continue to develop pedestrian/bike/horse trails adjacent to municipal roads as they are built or being reconstructed. The primary purpose of such trails is to provide non-motorized commuting and recreational alternatives but due to the time frame to develop these this may not make a significant difference to our GHG emissions by 2020.
  • Lack of facilities to recharge electric vehicles;
  • Air pollution from idling vehicles. The worst mileage a vehicle can get is 0 miles per gallon, which occurs when it idles;
  • Municipal vehicles, which currently all use diesel or gas, and their carbon footprint.


Transportation is cited as the leading cause of Metchosin’s green house gas (GHG) emissions.  In order to reduce the District’s GHG emissions, it is important to improve access to public transportation and to overcome the community’s reluctance to use it. The following actions will help:

  1. Continue to improve the availability of public transportation, bus shelters, secure bike storage, park & rides and carpooling by liaising with BC Transit and promote these travel options through public education;
  2. Continue to improve pedestrian and non-motorized corridors (trails) by constructing bike lanes and trails where applicable and when funding permits;
  3. Encourage and support a vehicle sharing co-op;
  4. Consider the environmental standards of any vehicle purchased by the municipality and make purchases that best support the municipal objectives and the environment;
  5. Review road design standards for municipal roads to ensure that they are in keeping with the character of the District, that they minimize environmental degradation and the potential for erosion, that they foster traffic safety and that they permit the safe and proper access for emergency and road maintenance vehicles;
  6. As technology and funding opportunities become available, facilitate the establishment of an electric vehicle recharging station in the village centre.
  1. BUILT STRUCTURES (including Residential)


Canadians use more energy per person than all other countries in the world except for Iceland and Luxemburg – in fact, we use 2.5 times more energy per person than the average of all developed countries. In 1960, Canadians used 4251 Kg of oil equivalent per capita; by 2007 the amount had risen to 8169 kg per capita. By comparison residents of the United States used 5642 kg. and 7766 kg per capita, respectively, with U.S. consumption peaking in 1978 and decreasing steadily since. British Columbians used 0.24 TeraJoules of energy per person in 2003, a decline of 8% from the 1990 rate of 0.26 TJ. Canada at large is currently falling further behind the United States in terms of renewable energy, and energy efficiency initiatives. U.S. per capita expenditures are currently running at about 18:1, and 2:1, respectively, over those in Canada.

Sustainable and resilient building within Metchosin includes the actual structures, total energy and water use, total resource use, land use planning, ecological connectivity, affordable housing, demographics, community building, and education. All of these relate either directly or indirectly to GHG emissions, carbon use, and rising costs of fossil fuels.

All topics are intimately interconnected and must be considered as a whole rather than piecemeal. The human built environment impacts total green house gas emissions on several levels. There is scope to improve our energy and resource consumption patterns.

Metchosin has always been a leader in promoting and protecting the rural and natural values of the community. The District, with its innovative approach to maintaining these values and fiscal prudence, can continue to act as a highly effective catalyst in the quest to conserve energy and to reduce consumption.


  • Climate change predictions forecast wetter winters and drier summers and more extreme weather events at greater frequency. New infrastructure and zoning will need to adapt to these challenges.
  • Development results in a loss of biodiversity and reduced carbon sequestration;
  • Some residents live in relatively large, energy inefficient houses and consume significant quantities of goods. After transportation, our energy and resource consumption is our 2nd largest source of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions;
  • Some residents are not aware of their carbon footprint;
  • The manufacture and transport of building materials for built-up infrastructure increases the carbon footprint of the community;
  • The life cycle of a building usually results in an accumulating carbon footprint (heating, lighting and consumption);
  • Without public education and encouragement for residents to upgrade their homes, existing homes will continue to have a significant impact on GHG emissions;
  • Occasionally, senior governments offer incentives to reduce GHG emissions and replace energy inefficient devices and products (appendices 3,4); these incentives can be difficult to find, and the products difficult to assess;
  • The fast pace at which technologies are being developed often makes it difficult for District decision makers and homeowners to be aware of the most efficient and financially prudent choices for reducing GHG emissions;
  • Adoption of energy efficient technologies can be initially expensive and deter homeowners from implementing energy efficient strategies;
  • Current regulations for residential sewage systems and septic fields require flush toilets which account for 30% of domestic water consumption, loss of habitat, and loss of resources. Transport of septic wastes out of the community (from pump-outs) results in a further source of GHGs.
  • Agricultural land is a scarce and valuable resource, it is important to consider ways to reduce the footprint of buildings and non-food producing activities on agricultural lands.


The District has committed to reducing GHG emissions over 2007 levels by 33% by 2020. Buildings account for 13.8% of emissions. The provincial government has authority over the building code. Lobbying the province for changes which will enable greener buildings will help reduce emissions. Additional ways to achieve this are:

  1. Consider land use decisions, as appropriate for Metchosin, based on changes in, and projections of, groundwater and aquifer levels, snow loads, extreme rain and droughts, greater storm surges along the shoreline. Revise snow load requirements, road drainage plans, floodplain and shoreline regulations and locally-adapted fire smart guidelines as needed;
  2. Continue to assess bridges, septic systems and new infrastructure in floodplains using 100-200 year flood projections;
  3. Lobby the province for changes to the Building Code that allow for greener building practices (e.g. greywater reuse systems, composting toilets);
  4. Require all new construction to have minimal environmental impact, including minimizing GHG emissions;
  5. Encourage policies promoting building methods that have minimal impact on ecosystems and landscape;
  6. Continue to encourage building practices that minimize or offset the loss of pervious surfaces (see District Rainwater Management bylaw);
  7. Allow other green building policies that can be demonstrated to meet the functions and safety objectives of the building code while protecting the interests of future owners, such as green roofs, night sky friendly lighting, etc.;
  8. Post a personal carbon footprint calculator on the District website;
  9. Post information on the District website about the latest technological innovations on energy use reduction strategies (e.g., see appendix 5);
  10. Post government sponsored homeowner initiatives for carbon footprint and energy use reduction on the district website with links to Energy Canada (http://oee.nrcan.gc.ca/english/), LiveSmart BC (http://www.livesmartbc.ca/), BC Hydro (http://www.bchydro.com/), and BC Sustainable Living (http://www.bcsea.org/solutions) websites (see appendices 3, 4);
  11. Investigate ways in which the District might help residents with renewable energy installations and energy efficiency improvements costs, and consider the concept of Local Improvement Charges;
  12. Provide education on, and encourage, building upgrades regarding energy and water use, such as low flush or composting toilets, energy and water efficient appliances, rainwater storage, green roof, low emission windows, heat recovery systems including ground loop energy systems and solar electric and solar thermal energy systems;
  13. Encourage building new structures to have net zero energy and water impact;
  14. Encourage home energy audits, a first step to help inform home and business owners on their options when considering energy efficiency upgrades (such as sealing window and door drafts);
  15. Develop relevant plans regarding emergency management to take into account increased forest fire risk, flooding, and wind, rain and snow storms;
  16. Consider methods to reduce the footprint of buildings and non-food producing activities on agricultural land (eg encourage compact homes, shops, barns) and that the house, accessory building(s) and storage (parking) footprint does not affect agricultural production and viability.


Metchosin is, for the most part, a residential and agricultural community. Commercial and industrial land uses are small enough not to detract from the overall character of the District.

All developed properties in Metchosin have septic systems to accommodate liquid waste. Septic systems are effective in treating liquid waste when they are designed, installed, and maintained properly. However, it is estimated that 20% of systems in the CRD are failing. Failing septic systems result in significant public health risks and environmental degradation. Specifically, they cause contamination of groundwater and local streams, rivers, and lakes, as well as contamination of shellfish beds and the nutrient enrichment of sensitive water bodies. Contamination of groundwater is a serious issue in Metchosin because approximately 60% of residents draw their drinking water from wells.

Under the Provincial Sewerage System Regulation, owners of systems installed after May 31, 2005 are required to follow their prescribed maintenance plan and keep all records of maintenance. Where Building Permits are required (i.e., new construction), septic designs are routinely submitted to the District as a requirement of the Building Permit process and no Occupancy Permit is issued without a properly submitted and approved septic system design.

Solid wastes may be transported by a commercial contractor or in person to the CRD’s Hartland landfill site. The Hartland landfill site is filling, however, and to extend the life of the site, the CRD, together with member municipalities, is developing programs to divert solid wastes away from landfill and into other recycle streams. For example, Hartland no longer accepts waste construction materials. Some residents find disposal options too onerous and dispose of garbage and furniture, for example, adjacent to road sides.

The District finances a blue box program to collect paper, cardboard, metals, and some plastics for recycling. Some residents compost kitchen waste, but some store kitchen waste in receptacles that attract bears. Some residents burn wastes. Some private organizations take some electronic goods for recycling. Many residents use a combination of all of these disposal methods. The District has recently become part of a provincially-sponsored program to collect batteries and cell phones.

The District allows open burning and incinerators from October through April, if weather conditions permit.


  • Waste management issues reflect the spectrum of waste disposal methods available to Metchosin residents;
  • Septic systems no longer operating effectively, or too small to accommodate demand, may contaminate surface and groundwater sources;
  • Increasing constraints on regional landfill mean more and more waste will not be accepted for disposal at the Hartland Landfill site;
  • While composting alternatives are used by some residents, composting alternatives are poorly understood by some residents and are therefore not used or not used correctly;
  • Garbage and items such as used furniture and mattresses are from time to time disposed of by depositing them along road sides or on private property;
  • Burning of household garbage contravenes bylaws but is nonetheless adopted as an effective means of disposing of some garbage;
  • Storage of household waste in garbage receptacles that entice bears into residential neighbourhoods and account for approximately 60% of complaints about bears. Bears adapted to residential foraging may present major safety issues;
  • Metchosin allows open fires throughout most of the fall, winter and into the spring. Burning releases carbon into the atmosphere and the particulate matter released can adversely affect the health of people with respiratory sensitivities.


Metchosin residents are responsible for the disposal of septic wastes. The CRD has a well used recycling system in place, which is continually undergoing innovative change. Further suggestions for the District are:

  1. Encourage the use of techniques which separate greywater from other sources of liquid waste so that greywater can be stored and used for irrigation (excluding irrigation of crops for human consumption);
  2. Lobby for changes to building and plumbing codes to permit the reuse of greywater and composting toilets;
  3. Encourage residents to maintain their septic systems to proper functioning condition and make information about proper septic system construction and maintenance available to Metchosin residents;
  4. Consider the development of a municipal compost yard;
  5. Encourage residents to adopt practices to contain household and kitchen garbage in secure, bear-proof receptacles.

APPENDIX 1: Metchosin’s Community Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory: 2007

Appendix 2: Mitigating and Adapting to Climate Change through the Conservation of Nature

Appendix 3: Examples of Canadian Grant Initiatives

  1. Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) has added environmentally friendly features to the Mortgage Loan Insurance it offers. If the homeowner uses CMHC insured financing to buy an energy-efficient home, purchase a house and make energy-saving renovations, or renovate an existing home to make it more energy-efficient, a 10% refund on the Mortgage Loan Insurance premium may be available.  Homeowners may also have the added flexibility of an extended amortization (up to a maximum of 35 years) without a premium surcharge.
  1. The BC government re-opened the LiveSmart BC home energy rebate program for new participants starting April 1, 2010.  This program grants BC homeowners rebates of up to $5,000 and more for home energy improvements. To qualify a home energy audit is required before the upgrade begins.

3.     Financial Institution Initiatives

1.o   RBC Energy Saver™ Loan – Make a qualifying environmentally-friendly purchase and receive a 1% discount or a $100 home energy audit rebate on a fixed rate installment loan over $5,000

2.             http://www.rbcroyalbank.com/products/personalloans/energy-saver-loan.html

o   VanCity Bright Ideas home financing. This personal loan is at prime+1 rate for up to ten years. The low interest rate saves money compared to a conventional loan. Borrow as little as $3,500 or a maximum of $20,000. Pay it back with regular monthly payments.

3.             https://www.vancity.com/Loans/BrightIdeas/

Appendix 4: Examples of Federal support for Home Retrofits October 2010

4.              Eligible Improvements / Retrofits


Single-Family Home Multi-unit residential buildings (MURB)
1st system 2nd system
Install an earth-energy system (ground or water source) that is compliant with CAN/CSA-C448 and certified by the Canadian GeoExchange Coalition (www.geo-exchange.ca) – applies to a new system or a complete replacement. $4,375 N/A
Replace a heat pump unit of an existing earth-energy system (ground or water source). The system must be compliant with CAN/CSA-C448 and certified by the Canadian GeoExchange Coalition (www.geo-exchange.ca). (*per equipment replaced) $1,750 N/A *1,750
Replace an existing space and domestic water heating equipment with an integrated mechanical system (IMS) that has an overall thermal performance factor of 0.90 or higher. The system must be compliant with the CSA P.10-07 standard and meet or exceed the standard’s premium performance requirements. (*per equipment replaced) $1,625 N/A *1,625


Appendix 5: Currently Viable Energy Initiatives



Solar Hot Water Systems


With a good southern exposure and adequate space for a solar storage tank, a solar water heater will pay for itself in energy savings in 5 to 15 years under average energy costs, with a return on investment of 8-14%. It will provide 75 to 100% of summer hot water needs and 10 to 20% of residential hot water demand in winter (40-60% over-all). These cost estimates do not include the cost of the backup heat supply system. In many cases, existing water heating systems can be converted from primary to solar back-up but sometimes a different back-up heating system is advised.







9.              Geothermal Heating Systems

10.           How Geothermal Heating Works

A geothermal heat pump moves heat into or out of the earth to heat or cool your home. The system has three main components:

  1. Ground loop system
  2. Heat pump furnace unit
  3. Distribution system


Murdock, T. 2009. Climate model projections and anticipated impacts for Southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium. and University of Victoria.


Penn, Briony. 2010. Conservation offsets. A Revenue toll to conserve natural areas, watersheds and community resilience. Land Trust Alliance, British Columbia.

Pidgeon, Emily. 2009. Carbon sequestration by coastal marine habitats: Important missing sinks. The Management of Natural Coastal Carbon Sinks. IUCN.

Resilience Alliance. 2009. Assessing and managing resilience in social-ecological systems: A practitioner’s workbook, Version 1.0. [online] URL: http://wiki.resalliance.org/index.php/Main_Page.

Trofymow, J.A., G. Stinson, and W. Kurz. 2008. Derivation of a spatially explicit 86-year retrospective carbon budget for a landscape undergoing conversion from old-growth to managed forests on Vancouver Island, BC. Forest Ecology and Management 256: 1677-1691.


Access Energy Simulation and Software Tools (free-of-charge)


Affordable Warmth BC.


BC Energy Plan: A Vision for Clean Energy Leadership http://www.energyplan.gov.bc.ca/backgrounder/backgrounder2.htm

Canada Energy Profile: U.S. Energy Information Administration. Independent Statistics and Analysis


Canada falling even further behind the U.S. in sustainable energy investments per capita http://pubs.pembina.org/reports/110310-renewables-efficiency-usa-vs-canada-2010.pdf

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation; Energy-Efficient Housing Made More Affordable with Mortgage Loan Insurance.


Enviroharvest – Solar Hot Water:


Home Performance; Home Energy Audit


Integration of Renewable Energy on Farms


Keith, Heather, B. G Mackey, and D. B Lindenmayer. Re-evaluation of forest biomass carbon stocks and lessons from the world’s most carbon-dense forests. PNAS July 14, 2009 vol. 106 no. 28

Read more: http://news.mongabay.com/2009/0717-forest_carbon.html#ixzz137dqX5JO

Live Smart BC. – http://www.livesmartbc.ca/homes/h_rebates.html

/E:/Users/Bhall/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/Temporary Internet Files/Content.Outlook/Documents and Settings/jmacpherson.WS04/Local Settings/Temporary Internet Files/Content.IE5/Y1DZXAQS/%E2%80%A2%09Live Smart BC.  http:/-www.livesmartbc.ca-homes-h_rebates.html)

Local Improvement Charges, Oshawa, Ontario


Engineering Services 9th Floor, City Hall 50 Centre Street South, Oshawa, Ontario, L1H 3Z7

Natural Resources Canada


Net Zero Housing (NZE)


Official Community Plan, 1995. http://www.district.metchosin.bc.ca/siteengine/activepage.asp?PageID=33

RBC Energy Saver™ Loan http://www.rbcroyalbank.com/products/personalloans/energy-saver-loan.html

Using Local Improvement Charges to Finance Energy Efficiency Improvements: Applicability Across Canada


11.           VanCity Bright Ideas – https://www.vancity.com/Loans/BrightIdeas/

Wilson, Sara, J. and R. J. Hebda, 2008. Mitigating and Adapting to Climate Change through the Conservation of Nature in British Columbia.

World Resource Institute, International Energy Agency (IEA) 2005 data,


The Metchosin Biodiversity Strategy

PURPOSE: This draft document was prepared in the 1990s by local resident and International authority on Biodiversity Strategies, Robert Prescot Allen. Modifications and input from the Metchosin Advisory Commission and the students of the Environmental Systems class at Lester B. Pearson College have been included.  The purpose of the strategy is to enable the Council and residents of Metchosin to fulfill the commitments to conserve biodiversity as expressed in the Official Community Plan.

We welcome any comments and seek input on how this may be improved.


2.2.2 To promote the conservation of the biodiversity of the district – the variety of natural communities, native wild species and populations, and domesticated species and populations.

2.2.3 To maintain creeks, streams and inland wetlands in their natural state, by minimizing the impact of development.

2.2.4 To maintain uplands, forested lands and areas with old growth Douglas Fir in their natural state, by minimizing the impact of development.

2.2.5 To manage marine shorelands in a manner compatible with the biological and physical processes acting on and within them.

2.2.6 To identify and preserve sensitive natural environments for future generations and to maintain sufficient lands in their natural state so that rare and diverse plant and animal life will continue to exist and flourish.

2.2.9 To promote the restoration of marginal agricultural and /or previously degraded land to wildlife habitat.

Commitments to conserve biodiversity may also be found in the OCP’s general environmental policies and policies on lakes, creeks and streams; inland wetlands; marine shorelands; wildlife habitat; unique and attractive vegetation and tree cover.

The Garry-Oak Douglas fir zone is probably the most threatened ecological region in North America. It is restricted to southeastern Vancouver Island, The Gulf and San Juan Islands, The Puget trough and Willamette valley ( the rain shadow zone East of the mountains of Vancouver Island, Olympic peninsula and Washington/ Oregon Coast) Most of this zone has already been converted to farms and residential areas or has been heavily modified. Little natural Ecosystem remains. Municipalities that still have significant tracts of this ecological zone have something very valuable and unique. It is an obligation and service to the more urbanized municipalities and to future generations to maintain this heritage.


The ultimate objectives of this strategy are to:

  • Maintain viable populations of every species native to Metchosin.
  • Maintain viable samples of every natural community in Metchosin.
  • Initial priority will be given to species and natural communities that are endangered, threatened or rare nationally , provincially or regionally.

The Enabling Objectives of the strategy are to:

  1. Increase the number of residents who value native species and natural communities and are committed to conserving them.
  2. Increase social and economic incentives fore maintaining native species and natural communities.
  3. Increase legal support for maintaining native species and natural communities.
  4. Improve information on native species and natural communities of Metchosin and on introduced species that threaten them.
  5. Develop the Organizational capacity to maintain native species and natural communities.
  6. Obtain the resources required to maintain native species and natural communities.


Objective 1: Increase the number of residents who value native species and natural communities and are committed to conserving them.

  • Action: 1.1 Produce and distribute a leaflet describing the uniqueness and heritage value of the natural communities and native species of Metchosin.
  • Action 1.2 Prepare a high quality presentation on the uniqueness and heritage value of Metchosin’s native species and natural communities and the Biodiversity Strategy for Metchosin. This should be suitable for public gatherings and a TV presentation.
  • Action 1.3 Prepare and promote a “collaborative” style Internet site on Metchosin biodiversity, and the Biodiversity Strategy.
  • Action 1.4 Contact local schools to determine the extent of curricular involvement at present with Metchosin biodiversity. Enlist the help of teachers and students to contribute to identifying and promoting conservation of biodiversity.
  • Action 1.5 Prepare a demonstration booth for Metchosin Day which is designed to heighten public awareness on biodiversity issues of the community.
  • Action 1.6 Promote artistic performances on biodiversity themes to heighten awareness in the community.


Objective 2 : Increase social and economic incentives fore maintaining native species and natural communities.

  • Action 2.1 : Develop ways of increasing people’s self esteem and social standing if they do something to conserve native species and natural communities.
  • Institute community recognition of conservation efforts.
  • Encourage cooperation between neighbors to join up areas of greenspace.
  • Set time-lines for community achievement of greenspace designation .
  • Establish a high profile “community green map”.
  • Action 2.2 : Provide financial incentives (e.g. tax breaks) for maintaining native species and natural communities. Land dedicated to conserving native species and natural communities should be taxed at a rate low enough to encourage people to do so ( just as agricultural land is taxed at a favorable rate).

Recommended Steps: Draft a proposal

Council endorses proposal

Provincial government is lobbied to support the proposal

Lobby other municipalities to obtain support.

  • Action 2.2 : Provide financial incentives for restoration of degraded habitat. This could be done where there are agricultural areas overgrown with weedy species.


Objective 3: Increase legal support for maintaining native species and natural communities

  • Action 3.1: Develop and implement an optimal zoning strategy for maintenance of native species and natural communities. Current zoning is not the most suitable for the conserving of biodiversity. A more flexible zoning system might help property owners dedicate land for conservation while meeting their economic priorities. The ecosystem unit should be taken into account when providing for subdivision or development. Certain ecosystem components must not be compromised if we are to maintain viable populations of native species.

Recommended steps: (I) Discuss what an optimal and achievable zoning system based on an ecosystem component approach would look like.

(ii) Prepare a proposal

(iii) Submit the proposal to Council and residents;

(iv) Amend the OCP and Land Use bylaw to accommodate biodiversity.

  • Action 3.2 Make available to property owners detailed information on the process of providing for covenants.


Objective 3: Improve information on native species and natural communities of Metchosin and on introduced species that threaten them.

  • Action 4.1 Prepare and maintain an inventory of native species and natural communities of Metchosin. This would be part of the Metchosin Environmental Inventory which has already been started.

Immediate needs:(i) Compile a list of native species (plants; vertebrates; macro-fungi)

(ii) Compile a list of natural communities

(iii) Identify native species of concern( endangered, threatened, rare)

(iv) Identify natural communities of concern (endangered, threatened, rare)

(v) Complete mapping of natural communities.

  • Action 4.2 Prepare a list of introduced species of concern ( i.e. that threaten native species or natural communities) and identify priority species for control.
  • Action 4.3 Identify a process for updating the inventories in order to keep information current.
  • Action 4.4 Involve all components of the community in the inventory process. Develop incentives for school children to contribute to the inventory.


Objective 5: Improve information on native species and natural communities of Metchosin and on introduced species that threaten them.

  • Action 5.1 Form an organization of property owners and other individuals who will commit themselves to taking particular actions. (The Metchosin Organization on Biodiversity)
  • Action 5.2 Form an alliance with other community groups, service clubs, Environmental Organizations. Explain the strategy and enlist them as partners. Discuss what they and their members could do to develop and implement the strategy.
  • Action 5.3 Encourage and link up with similar activities in other municipalities.


Objective 6: Obtain the resources required to maintain native species and natural communities.

  • Action 6.1 Prepare a budget for actions 1 through 6 . define preliminary targets for meeting the budget
  • Action 6.2 Ask council to commit itself to its share and front the money for actions 1.1 and 1.2 (required for fund raising and recruiting partners)
  • Action 6.3 Prepare and implement a plan to raise the balance of the budget.


Control of Introduced Species:

The introduced species that are of concern are those that because of their opportunistic nature, have a negative impact on native species and the re-establishment of native species.

  • Action 7.1 : Prepare and distribute to property owners a pamphlet emphasizing the importance of control of introduced species. Develop a recognition method for certification of areas that are free of introduced species.
  • Action 7.2 : Prepare priority plans for the removal of other introduced species that can destroy species diversity. Gray squirrels, starlings and rabbits may be appropriate candidates. Recognition may be made of some species, e.g. Blackberry that should be controlled in areas that could be rehabilitated with native species.
    For a reference on current research on Gray Squirrels see: This link. 
  • Action 7.3 : Encourage property owners to remove Scotch broom and gorse from their land. Develop an incentive scheme for broom eradication and restoration of native species.
  • Action 7.4.: The municipality of Metchosin will commit themselves to removing appropriate introduced species such as broom from their properties. Other public authorities, (e.g. BC Hydro) will be advised of the need for a control program .

Management of land to Encourage Native Species and Natural Communities.

  • Action 7.5 : Produce and distribute advice to landowners on ways they can manage their land to best encourage native species and natural communities.
  • Action 7.6 : Prepare and implement a plan for management of public lands, including right of ways, trails, to encourage native species, and to control introduced species.


  • Action 7.7 : Identify and protect by legislation priority areas in the municipality. Emphasis will be placed on the largest remaining intact areas of natural or near- natural ecosystems. Comprehensive management plans to ensure long-term protection must be done for each area.