5.4 The Precautionary Principle

This is a realistic tool in our Choice of Futures.

Item 6 of The Earth Charter recognizes the importance of “preventing harm as the best method of environmental protection and when knowledge is limited, and applying a precautionary principle. (reference in the Earth Charter:).

Daily, individuals and governments are faced with making decisions for which there is very little research to support that human modification of an ecosystem can proceed witout a negative effect. In the past, in a drive to maximize economic profits, a decision would be made without knowing the effects on ecosystems or balancing economic profits with environmental profits. Now it is recognized that if there is any doubt about the outcome for the ecosystem, the project should not proceed.

If a marina is to be built in an intertidal mudflat, and if no studies have been done that would show the environmental impact, and the steps necessary to mitigate this projected impact, then decisions on such a project would be put on hold until the science is available.

The FAO has summarized its recommendations on this subject in its report: FAO Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries – Precautionary Approach to Capture Fisheries and Species Introductions – http://www.fao.org/docrep/003/w3592e/w3592e00.htm

Fisheries Management, fisheries research , fisheries technology and species Introductions are all examined from the point of view of the Precautionary Approach.

In the reference below, three examples in relation to fisheries are discussed :

By Molly Thomas and Zeke Grader

  • “The first is habitat. With salmon and a number of other commercially-valuable fish stocks, particularly those that are riparian or wetland dependent, merely restricting harvest on a precautionary approach may do little to help stocks unless there is a concomitant use of the principle for the protection of habitat.
  • The second area where the precautionary approach is needed now is with aquaculture. Pollution, nutrient loading, habitat destruction (e.g., mangrove deforestation in shrimp aquaculture), spread of disease, and escaped fish into the wild are all prevalent problems in many forms of aquaculture
  • Third, the precautionary principle has to be applied to genetically-engineered fish or “GMOs” (genetically modified organisms).

The precautionary principle is really just about common sense. As individuals we use the precautionary principle in any situation that involves our own personal safety, at least most of the time. Usually, the ability to weigh these situations increases with age and experience. It is time in this society that we start to use our common sense a little bit more often. Who better to lead this movement than one of the oldest industries on the earth? We have seen it work in the past on discrete stocks of fish, maybe it is time that we insist that we use it universally.”

Other references on the Precationary Approach are included below:

A Canadian Perspective on the Precautionary Approach/Principle

An Australian reference

The Precautionary Principle:
Where the possibility exists of serious or irreversible harm, lack of scientific certainty should not preclude cautious action by decision-makers to prevent such harm. Management needs to anticipate the possibility of ecological damage, rather than react to it as it occurs.
Jon Nevill                                                                                                                2004
There are many definitions of the precautionary principle.  They all have two key elements.  The first is an expression of a need by decision-makers to anticipate harm before it occurs. Within this element lies an implicit reversal of the onus of proof: under the precautionary approach it is the responsibility of an activity proponent to establish that the proposed activity will not result in significant harm. The second key element is the establishment of an obligation, if the level of harm may be high, for cautious action to prevent such harm even in the absence of scientific certainty.
The precautionary principle rests on history and ethics rather than logic or science.  It incorporates the concept that a person or agency should take responsibility for unintentional damage which may (directly or indirectly) result from actions taken by this person or agency. It is also a principle based on experience.  According to Ludwig et al. 1993: “Although there is considerable variation in detail, there is remarkable consistency in the history of resource exploitation: resources are inevitably overexploited, often to the point of collapse or extinction.”  Even though the medium and long-term costs far outweigh short-term benefits, resource over-exploitation continues today. The need for caution is a clear message from recent history (Harremoës et al. 2002).


Are Decision-makers Too Cautious With The Precautionary Principle?

5.5 Ocean Food: whats in your diet?

Return to Index

5.3 Fishing Down Food Webs

The following reference is presented in its entirety as it summarizes the unsustainable
practice of many global fisheries.

The research of Dr. Pauly of UBC is an example here of our Marine people profiles.

The problem of by-catch is essential in dealing with sustainable fisheries.
1. Fishing Down Marine Food Webs http://naturalscience.com/ns/cover/cover6.html
2. Marine Food Webs

This is an online textbook with several graphics illustrating the point. See the
“fishing down marine food web” diagram at the end of page.2.
Fishing Down Marine Food Webs, Daniel Pauly, * Villy
Christensen, Johanne Dalsgaard, Rainer Froese, Francisco Torres Jr.

Science: 6 February 1998 Vol. 279. no. 5352, pp. 860- 863
The mean trophic level of the species groups reported in Food and Agricultural
Organization global fisheries statistics declined from 1950 to
1994. This reflects a gradual transition in landings from long-lived,
high trophic level, piscivorous bottom fish toward short-lived, low
trophic level invertebrates and planktivorous pelagic fish. This effect,
also found to be occurring in inland fisheries, is most pronounced in the
Northern Hemisphere. Fishing down food webs (that is, at lower trophic
levels) leads at first to increasing catches, then to a phase transition
associated with stagnating or declining catches. These results indicate
that present exploitation patterns are unsustainable.
D. Pauly and J.& Dalsgaard, Fisheries Centre, 2204 Main Mall, University
of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6T 1Z4.
V. Christensen, R.Froese, F.Torres Jr.,
International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, M.C. Post
Office Box 2631,0718 Makati, Philippines.

Exploitation of the ocean for fish and marine invertebrates, both wholesome and valuable
products, ought to be a prosperous sector, given that capture
fisheries–in contrast to agriculture and aquaculture–reap harvests that
did not need to be sown. Yet marine fisheries are in a global crisis,
mainly due to open access policies and subsidy-driven over-capitalization(1) It may be argued, however, that the global crisis is mainly one of economics or of governance, whereas the global resource base itself fluctuates naturally. Contradicting this more optimistic view, we show here that landings from global fisheries have shifted in the last 45 years from large piscivorous fishes toward smaller invertebrates and planktivorous fishes, especially in the Northern Hemisphere. This may imply major changes in the structure of marine food webs. Two data sets were used. The first has estimates of trophic levels for 22 different species or groups of fish and invertebrates, covering all statistical categories included in the official Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) landings statistics(2). We obtained these estimates from 60 published mass-balance trophic models that covered all major aquatic ecosystem types(3, 4). The models were constructed with the Ecopath software(5) and local data that included detailed diet compositions(6). In such models, fractional trophic levels (7) are estimated values, based on the diet compositions of all ecosystemcomponents rather than assumed values; hence, their precision and accuracy
are much higher than for the integer trophic level values used in earlierglobal studies (8). The 22 trophic levels derived from these6 Ecopath applications range from a definitional value of 1 forprimary producers and detritus to 4.6 (± 0.32) for snappers(family Lutjanidae) on the shelf of Yucatan, Mexico (9). The second dataset we used comprises FAO global statistics (2) of fisheries landings forthe years from 1950 to 1994 which are based on reportssubmitted annually by FAO member countries and other states and wererecently used for reassessing world fisheries potential (10). By combiningthese data sets we could estimate the mean trophic level of landings,presented here as time series by different groupings of all FAO statistical areas and for the world (11). For all marine areas,
the trend over the past 45years has been a decline in the mean trophic level of the fisheries landings, from slightly more than 3.3 in the early 1950s to less than 3.1 in 1994 (Fig. 1A). A dip in the 1960s and early 1970s occurred because of extremely large catches
(106 metric tons (t) per year) of Peruvian anchoveta with a low trophic level (12) of 2.2(±0.42). Since the collapse of the Peruvian anchoveta fishery in 1972-1973, the global trend in the trophic level of marine fisheries landings has been one of steady
decline. Fisheries in inland waters exhibit, on the global level, a similar trend as for the marine areas (Fig. 1B): A clear decline in average trophic level is apparent from the early 1970s, in parallel to, and about 0.3 units below, those of marine catches. The previous
plateau, from 1950 to 1975, is due to insufficiently detailed fishery statistics for the earlier decades (10).Fig. 1. Global trends of mean trophic level of fisheries landings, 1950 to 1994. (A) Marine areas; (B) inland areas. [View Larger Version of this Image (13K GIF file)] In northern temperate areas where the fisheries are most developed, the mean trophic level of the landings has declined steadily over the last two decades. In the North Pacific (FAO areas 61 and 67; Fig. 2A), trophic levels peaked in the early 1970s and have since then
decreased rapidly in spite of the recent increase in landings of Alaska
pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, which has a relatively high trophic level
of 3.8 (±0.24). In the Northwest Atlantic (FAO areas 21and 31; Fig. 2B), the fisheries were initially dominated by planktivorous menhaden, Brevoortia spp., and other small pelagics at low trophic levels. As their landings decreased, the average trophic level of
the fishery initially increased, then in the 1970s it reversed to a steep
decline. Similar declines are apparent throughout the time series for the
Northeast Atlantic (FAO area 27; Fig. 2C) and the Mediterranean (FAO area
37; Fig. 2C), although the latter system operates at altogether lower trophic levels.
Fig. 2. Trends of mean
trophic level of fisheries landings in northern temperate areas,
1950 to 1994. (A) North Pacific (FAO areas 61and 67); (B)
Northwest and Western Central Atlantic (FAO areas 21 and 31); (C)
Northeast Atlantic (FAO area 27); and (D) Mediterranean (FAO area 37).
[View Larger Version of this Image (13K GIF file)]

The Central Eastern Pacific (FAO area 77; Fig. 3A), Southern
and Central Eastern Atlantic (FAO areas 41,47,and 34; Fig.
3B), and the Indo-Pacific (FAO areas 51,57,and 71; Fig. 3C)
show no clear trends over time. In the southern Atlantic this is probably
due to the development of new fisheries, for example, on the Patagonian
shelf, which tends to mask declines of trophic levels in more developed
fisheries. In the Indo-Pacific area, the apparent stability is certainly
due to inadequacies of the statistics, because numerous accounts exist
that document species shifts similar to those that occurred in northern
temperate areas (13)
Fig. 3. Trends of mean trophic levels of fisheries landings in the intertropical belt and
adjacent waters. (A) Central Eastern Pacific (FAO area 77); (B) Southwest,
Central Eastern, and Southeast Atlantic (FAO areas 41,34,and
47); and (C) Indo (west)- Pacific (FAO areas 51,57,and 71).
[View Larger Version of this Image (10K GIF file)] The South Pacific areas (FAO areas 81and 87; Fig. 4A) are
interesting in that they display wide-amplitude fluctuations of trophic
levels, reflecting the growth in the mid-1950s of a huge industrial
fishery for Peruvian anchoveta. Subsequent to the anchoveta fishery
collapse, an offshore fishery developed for horse mackerel, Trachurus
murphyi, which has a higher trophic level (3.3 ± 0.21) and whose
range extends west toward New Zealand (14). Antarctica (FAO areas
48 58 and 88; Fig. 4B) also exhibits high-amplitude variation
of mean trophic levels, from a high of 3.4 due to a fishery that
quickly depleted local accumulations of bony fishes, to a low of
2.3 due to Euphausia superba (trophic level 2.2;±0.40), a
large krill species that dominated the more recent catches.
Fig. 4. High-amplitude changes of mean trophic
levels in fisheries landings. (A) South Pacific (FAO areas 81and
87); (B) Antarctica (FAO areas 48,58,and 88). [View Larger
Version of this Image (8K GIF file)]
gross features of the plots in Figs. through 4 while consistent with
previous knowledge of the dynamics of major stocks, may provide new
insights on the effect of fisheries on ecosystems. Further interpretation
of the observed trends is facilitated by plotting mean trophic levels
against catches. For example, the four systems in Fig. 5 illustrate
patterns different from the monotonous increase of catch that may be
expected when fishing down food webs (15). Each of the four systems in
Fig. 5 has a signature marked by abrupt phase shifts. For three of the
examples, the highest landings are not associated with the lowest trophic
levels, as the fishing-down-the-food-web theory would predict. Instead,
the time series tend to bend backward. The exception (where landings
continue to increase as trophic levels decline) is the Southern Pacific
(Fig. 5C), where the westward expansion of horse mackerel fisheries is
still the dominant feature, thus masking more local effects.
Fig. 5. Plots of mean trophic levels in fishery
landings versus the landings (in millions of metric tons) in four marine
regions, illustrating typical backward-bending signatures (note variable
ordinate and abcissa scales). (A) Northwest Atlantic (FAO area 21); (B)
Northeast Atlantic (FAO area 27); (C) Southeast Pacific (FAO area 87); (D)
Mediterranean (FAO area 37). [View Larger Version of this Image (18K GIF
file)] The backward-bending feature of
the plots of trophic levels versus landings, which also occurs in areas
other than those in Fig. 5, may be due to a combination of the following:
(i) artifacts due to the data, methods, and assumptions used; (ii) large
and increasing catches that are not reported to FAO; (iii) massive
discarding of bycatches (16) consisting predominantly of fish with low
trophic levels; (iv) reduced catchability as a result of a decreasing
average size of exploitable organisms; and (v) fisheries-induced changes
in the food webs from which the landings were extracted. Regarding item
(i), the quality of the official landing statistics we used may be seen as
a major impediment for analyses of the sort presented here. We know that
considerable under- and misreporting occur (16). However, for our
analysis, the overall accuracy of the landings is not of major importance,
if the trends are unbiased. Anatomical and functional considerations
support our assumption that the trophic levels of fish are conservative
attributes and that they cannot change much over time, even when ecosystem
structure changes (17). Moreover, the increase of young fish as a
proportion of landings in a given species that result from increasing
fishing pressure would strengthen the reported trends, because the young
of piscivorous species tend to be zooplanktivorous (18) and thus have
lower trophic levels than the adults. Items (ii) and (iii) may be more
important for the overall explanation. Thus, for the Northeast Atlantic,
the estimated (16) discard of 3.7 106 t year1 of bycatch would
straighten out the backward-bending curve of Fig. 5B. Item (iv)
is due to the fact that trophic levels of aquatic organisms are inversely
related to size (19). Thus, the relation between trophic level and catch
will always break down as catches increase: There is a lower size limit
for what can be caught and marketed, and zooplankton is not going to be
reaching our dinner plates in the foreseeable future. Low catchability due
to small size or extreme dilution (<1 g m3) is, similarly, a major
reason why the huge global biomass (109 t) of lanternfish (family
Myctophidae) and other mesopelagics (20) will continue to remain latent
resources. If we assume that fisheries tend to switch from
species with high trophic levels to species with low trophic levels in
response to changes of their relative abundances, then the
backward-bending curves in Fig. 5 may be also due to changes in ecosystem
structure, that is, item (v). In the North Sea, Norway pout, Trisopterus
esmarkii, serves as a food source for most of the important fish species
used for human consumption, such as cod or saithe. Norway pout is also the
most important predator on euphausiids (krill) in the North Sea (3). We
must therefore expect that a directed fishery on this small gadoid
(landings in the Northeast Atlantic are about 3 ? 105 t year1)
will have a positive effect on the euphausiids, which in turn prey on
copepods, a much more important food source for commercial fish species
than euphausiids. Hence, fishing for Norway pout may have a cascading
effect, leading to a build-up of nonutilized euphausiids. Triangles such
as the one involving Norway pout, euphausiids, and copepods, and which may
have a major effect on ecosystem stability, are increasingly being
integrated in ecological theory (21), especially in fisheries biology
(22). Globally, trophic levels of fisheries landings appear to
have declined in recent decades at a rate of about 0.1 per decade,
without the landings themselves increasing substantially. It is likely
that continuation of present trends will lead to widespread fisheries
collapses and to more backward-bending curves such as in Fig. 5, whether
or not they are due to a relaxation of top-down control (23). Therefore,
we consider estimations of global potentials based on extrapolation of
present trends or explicitly incorporating fishing-down-the-food-web
strategies to be highly questionable. Also, we suggest that in the next
decades fisheries management will have to emphasize the rebuilding of fish
populations embedded within functional food webs, within large “no-take”
marine protected areas (24)
2. Sequential
megafaunal collapse in the North Pacific Ocean: An ongoing legacy of
industrial whalingfrom:http://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/full/100/21/12223
Published online , 2003,
Populations of seals, sea lions, and sea otters have
sequentially collapsed over large areas of the northern North Pacific
Ocean and southern Bering Sea during the last several decades. A bottom-up
nutritional limitation mechanism induced by physical oceanographic change
or competition with fisheries was long thought to be largely responsible
for these declines. The current weight of evidence is more consistent with
top-down forcing. Increased predation by killer whales probably drove the
sea otter collapse and may have been responsible for the earlier pinniped
declines as well. We propose that decimation of the great whales by
post-World War II industrial whaling caused the great whales’ foremost
natural predators, killer whales, to begin feeding more intensively on the
smaller marine mammals, thus “fishing-down” this element of the marine
food web. The timing of these events, information on the abundance, diet,
and foraging behavior of both predators and prey, and feasibility analyses
based on demographic and energetic modeling are all consistent with this
The abrupt decline of the
western stock of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) across most of
the northern North Pacific Ocean and southern Bering Sea is one of the
world’s most well known yet poorly understood marine conservation
problems. For years, scientists attributed this decline to nutritional
limitation, the presumed consequence of a climate regime shift and/or
competition with regional fisheries (1). Although fisheries and regime
shifts undoubtedly influenced both the fishes and their associated food
webs (2–5), several recent reviews of the available information on sea
lions and their environment, including an assessment by the National
Research Council, cast doubt on the nutritional limitation hypothesis (6,
7), notwithstanding evidence from field and laboratory studies that diet
quality is a factor in sea lion energetics (8). The doubt stems from three
main findings. First, most measures of behavior, physiology, and
morphology from surviving adult sea lions and pups in the western Gulf of
Alaska and Aleutian Islands are inconsistent with nutritional limitation.
These animals have better body condition, reduced foraging effort, and
reduced field metabolic rates relative to similar measures from the
increasing sea lion population in southeast Alaska (7). Second, sea lion
prey is abundant in most areas of the decline (9). Known changes in prey
availability and other features of the oceanic ecosystem are particularly
incongruous with the most precipitous phase of the decline, which occurred
during the mid- to late 1980s, and can be accounted for only by greatly
increased adult mortality (6). Third, populations of piscivorous sea
birds, many of which feed on earlier life stages of the same fish species
consumed by sea lions, have remained stable or increased in the same area
and over the same period that the sea lions have declined (10). Top-down
forcing now appears to have been an important contributor to declines of
Steller sea lions and other marine mammal populations in the region (6).
Likely top-down forcing factors include purposeful shooting, incidental
mortality in fishing gear, and predation. We will suggest that increased
predation was paramount among these factors, and that altered food web
dynamics brought about by human overharvesting initiated the
In the
report “Progress Towards Environmental Sustainability in British
Columbia’s Seafood Sector., May 2001” there are a number of excellent
graphics which present a framework for sustainable fisheries.
5.4 The Precautionary Principle:

Return to Index

5.1 Fisheries Policies for Sustainability

If Seafood fisheries in British Columbia are to remain sustainable then there must be adherence to a regime of regulations . Management of fisheries in the past has often led to depletion of resources. Examples can be drawn from herring and salmon resources in BC, the anchovy and sardine examples of Pacific Coast of North and South America, and the Atlantic Cod. The unsustainable practises of Drift net fisheries, bottom trawling, and by-catch are examples of why there are problems.(see reference No.5 below).

Here is an opportunity to emphasize best practises for ecologically sustainable fisheries. The Precautionary Principle is at the base of a requirement for sustainable fisheries.

Resource references:

1. In the report “Progress Towards Environmental Sustainability in British Columbia’s Seafood Sector., May 2001″ there are a number of excellent graphics which present a framework for sustainable fisheries.

The topics below are dealt with in length and provide excellent examples of displays and interactive presentations which could be set up on sustainable fisheries.

Sustainable Fishing and Aquaculture
Sustainable Harvest of Target species and Stocks
Limiting the impacts of Fisheries on Non-Target species,
Limiting Impacts on Habitats and Ecosystems
Ensuring effective management and regulation.

2. The Geoduck Fishery: has established a Code of Conduct for responsible Fishing.


3. 2006 BC Seafood Industry report http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/omfd/reports/YIR-2006.pdf

4. Seafood Statistics:


5. FIsheries Issues:

Go to the sustainable aquaculture section

5.2 The Ecosystem Approach

From: http://www.worldwatch.org/node/5352 Oceans in Peril: Protecting Marine Biodiversity publ 2007

An ecosystem approach promotes both conservation and the sustainable use of marine resources in an equitable way. It is a holistic approach that considers environmental protection and marine management together, rather than as two separate and mutually exclusive goals. Paramount to the application of this approach is the establishment of networks of fully protected marine reserves, in essence, “national parks” of the sea. These provide protection of whole ecosystems and enable biodiversity to both recover and flourish. They also benefit fisheries by allowing for spillover of fish and larvae or eggs from the reserve into adjacent fishing grounds.
Outside of the reserves, an ecosystem approach requires the sustainable management of fisheries and other resources. Demands on marine resources must be managed within the limits of what the ecosystem can provide indefinitely, rather than being allowed to expand as demographic and market forces dictate. An ecosystem approach requires protection at the level of the whole ecosystem. This is radically different from the current practice, where most fisheries management measures focus simply on single species and do not consider the role of these species in the wider ecosystem.
An ecosystem approach is also precautionary in nature, meaning that a lack of knowledge should not excuse decision-makers from taking action, but rather lead them to err on the side of caution. The burden of proof must be placed on those who want to undertake activities, such as fishing or coastal development, to show that these activities will not harm the marine environment. In other words, current presumptions that favor freedom to fish and freedom of the seas will need to be replaced with the new concept of freedom for the seas.”


1.Canessa, R., Conley, K., and Smiley, B. 2003. Bowie Seamount Marine Protected Area: an ecosystem overview report. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 2461. …

2. http://archive.nafo.int/open/sc/2008/scs08-10.pdf.

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization Serial No. N5511 NAFO SCS Doc. 08/10 SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 2008 Report of the NAFO Scientific Council Working Group on Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (WGEAFM) NAFO Headquarters, Dartmouth, Canada 26-30 May 2008.

In recognition of an amended NAFO Convention (currently awaiting ratification) which has principles of an Ecosystem
Approach to Fisheries Management, Scientific Council established a Working Group on the Ecosystem Approach to
Fisheries Management in September 2007. Terms of Reference (ToR1) for this WG relate to the identification of eco-
regions within the NAFO Convention Area (NCA) and the development of ecosystem health indicators.

3. A synthesis of Research Activities at the Fisheries Centre on Ecosystem-based Fisheries Modelling and Assessment with emphasis on the Northern and Central Coast of BC..2007,
S.Guenete,V.Christiansen,C. Hover,M.Lam D.Preikshot, D. Pauly

5.3 Fishing Down Food Webs

 Return to Index

5.0 Humans as a Part of Ocean Systems:


If Seafood fisheries in British Columbia are to remain sustainable then there must be adherence to a regime of regulations . Management of fisheries in the past has often led to depletion of resources. Examples can be drawn from herring and salmon resources in BC, the anchovy and sardine examples of Pacific Coast of North and South America, and the Atlantic Cod. The unsustainable practises of Drift net fisheries, bottom trawling, and by-catch are examples of why there are problems.(see reference No.5 below).

Here is an opportunity to emphasize best practices for ecologically sustainable fisheries. The Precautionary Principle is at the base of a requirement for sustainable fisheries.
Resource references:
1. In the report “Progress Towards Environmental Sustainability in British Columbia’s Seafood Sector., May 2001″ there are a number of excellent graphics which present a framework for sustainable fisheries.

The topics below are dealt with in length and provide excellent examples of displays and interactive presentations which could be set up on sustainable fisheries.

Sustainable Fishing and Aquaculture
Sustainable Harvest of Target species and Stocks
Limiting the impacts of Fisheries on Non-Target species,
Limiting Impacts on Habitats and Ecosystems
Ensuring effective management and regulation.

2. The Geoduck Fishery: has established a Code of Conduct for responsible Fishing.


3. 2006 BC Seafood Industry report http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/omfd/reports/YIR-2006.pdf

4. Seafood Statistics:


5. FIsheries Issues:

Go to the sustainable aquaculture section

5.2 The Ecosystem Approach

From: http://www.worldwatch.org/node/5352 Oceans in Peril: Protecting Marine Biodiversity publ 2007

An ecosystem approach promotes both conservation and the sustainable use of marine resources in an equitable way. It is a holistic approach that considers environmental protection and marine management together, rather than as two separate and mutually exclusive goals. Paramount to the application of this approach is the establishment of networks of fully protected marine reserves, in essence, “national parks” of the sea. These provide protection of whole ecosystems and enable biodiversity to both recover and flourish. They also benefit fisheries by allowing for spillover of fish and larvae or eggs from the reserve into adjacent fishing grounds.
Outside of the reserves, an ecosystem approach requires the sustainable management of fisheries and other resources. Demands on marine resources must be managed within the limits of what the ecosystem can provide indefinitely, rather than being allowed to expand as demographic and market forces dictate. An ecosystem approach requires protection at the level of the whole ecosystem. This is radically different from the current practice, where most fisheries management measures focus simply on single species and do not consider the role of these species in the wider ecosystem.
An ecosystem approach is also precautionary in nature, meaning that a lack of knowledge should not excuse decision-makers from taking action, but rather lead them to err on the side of caution. The burden of proof must be placed on those who want to undertake activities, such as fishing or coastal development, to show that these activities will not harm the marine environment. In other words, current presumptions that favor freedom to fish and freedom of the seas will need to be replaced with the new concept of freedom for the seas.”


1.Canessa, R., Conley, K., and Smiley, B. 2003. Bowie Seamount Marine Protected Area: an ecosystem overview report. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 2461. …

2. http://archive.nafo.int/open/sc/2008/scs08-10.pdf.

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization Serial No. N5511 NAFO SCS Doc. 08/10 SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 2008 Report of the NAFO Scientific Council Working Group on Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (WGEAFM) NAFO Headquarters, Dartmouth, Canada 26-30 May 2008.

In recognition of an amended NAFO Convention (currently awaiting ratification) which has principles of an Ecosystem
Approach to Fisheries Management, Scientific Council established a Working Group on the Ecosystem Approach to
Fisheries Management in September 2007. Terms of Reference (ToR1) for this WG relate to the identification of eco-
regions within the NAFO Convention Area (NCA) and the development of ecosystem health indicators.

3. A synthesis of Research Activities at the Fisheries Centre on Ecosystem-based Fisheries Modelling and Assessment with emphasis on the Northern and Central Coast of BC..2007,
S.Guenete,V.Christiansen,C. Hover,M.Lam D.Preikshot, D. Pauly

5.3 Fishing Down Food webs

Return to Index

4.3 Ocean Pollutants

4.3 Ocean Pollutants:

A major problem with maintaining sustainable oceans is the global contaminations from atmospheric and direct point source pollution.

Probably the greatest single issue that needs to be dealt with here is that of the possibility of opening up the Coastal areas for offshore drilling. Our ability to debate this is a good test of how serious we are about thinking about marine resource sustainability for the future.

As theSierra Club puts it:

  • “The ecological risks are too great.
    One oil spill like the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill in Alaska would spell disaster for B.C.’s marine life. Exploration techniques like seismic testing have serious ecological consequences.
  •  Current environmental regulations are inadequate.
    Our provincial environmental regulations have been gutted. Federal legislation such as the Species at Risk Act is toothless. We lack a regime that can protect the natural environment.
  • B.C. needs to look beyond fossil fuel energy sources.
    Developing B.C.’s offshore oil and gas will mean committing to an energy source that has proven to be unsustainable. Canada has to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to meet Kyoto targets. We need to invest in alternative energy sources now.”

OTHER CHEMICAL CONTAMINANTS harmful in the Marine Environment

Below are portrayed the records of some countries with good news stories. Find as many of these as possible to show that it is possible to do things right. Also see the section on types of demos and take aways for related ideas.
Reference: From:” WATER” http://www.unep.org/geo/geo4/report/04_Water.pdf

“Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are synthetic organic chemicals that have wide-ranging human and environmental impacts (see Chapters 2, 3 and 6). In the late 1970s, studies of the North American Great Lakes highlighted the existence of older, obsolete chlorinated pesticides (so-called legacy chemicals) in sediments and fish (PLUARG 1978). As regulations curtailing their use were implemented, chemical levels have declined in some water systems since the early 1980s (see Chapter 6) (see Box 6.28). Similar declines have since been observed in China and the Russian Federation (see Figure 4.10). The estimated production of hazardous organic chemical-based pollutants in the United States by industry alone is more than 36 billion kilogrammes/ year, with about 90 per cent of these chemicals not being disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner (WWDR 2006). The chemicals in pesticides can also contaminate drinking water through agricultural run-off. There is growing concern about the potential impacts on aquatic ecosystems of personal-care products and pharmaceuticals such as birth-control residues, painkillers and antibiotics. Little is known about their long-term impacts on human or ecosystem health, although some may be endocrine disruptors. Some heavy metals in water and sediments accumulate in the tissues of humans and other organisms. Arsenic, mercury and lead in drinking water, fish and some crops consumed by humans have caused increased rates of chronic diseases. Marine monitoring conducted since the early 1990s in Europe indicates decreasing cadmium, mercury and lead concentrations in mussels and fish from both the northeast Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. Most North Sea states achieved the 70 per cent reduction target for these metals, except for copper, and tributyltin (EEA 2003). Although occurring in some inland locations, such as the Upper Amazon, oil pollution remains primarily a marine problem, with major impacts on seabirds and other marine life, and on aesthetic quality. With reduced oil inputs from marine transportation, and with vessel operation and design improvements, estimated oil inputs into the marine environment are declining (UNEP-GPA 2006a) (see Figure 4.11), although in the ROPME Sea Area about 270 000 tonnes of oil are still spilled annually in ballast water. The total oil load to the ocean includes 3 per cent from accidental spills from oil platforms, and 13 per cent from oil transportation spills (National Academy of Sciences 2003). Despite international efforts, solid waste and litter problems continue to worsen in both freshwater and marine systems, as a result of inappropriate disposal of non- or slowly degradable materials from land-based and marine sources (UNEP 2005a).”

4.5 Beach or Coastal Modification and Implications

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4.3 Oxygen Depletion in the Ocean

OXYGEN DEPLETION: A harmful algal bloom of the dinoflagellates Noctiluca scintillans, known as a red tide Organic materials, from such sources as algal blooms and discharges from domestic wastewater treatment plants and food-processing operations, are decomposed by oxygen-consuming microbes in waterbodies. This pollution is typically measured as the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). High BOD levels can cause oxygen depletion, jeopardizing fish and other aquatic species. Lake Erie’s oxygen- depleted bottom zone, for example, has expanded since 1998, with negative environmental impacts. Some coastal areas also undergo oxygen depletion, including the eastern and southern coasts of North America, southern coasts of China and Japan, and large areas around Europe (WWAP 2006).

  • From: Research Document – 2012/072

State of physical, biological, and selected fishery resources of Pacific Canadian marine ecosystems in 2011

By J.R. Irvine and W.R. Crawford

Scientists have reported alarmingly low oxygen concentrations in near-shore waters of the Oregon coast in summer, being in 2002 and most severely in 2006. High crab mortalities on the ocean bottom took place in these summers. Low oxygen concentrations (less than 1 ml/L) have also been observed on off southwest Vancouver Island since 2002, with concentrations of 0.7 ml/L at 150 metres depth recorded in 2006 and 2009, the lowest in the 50-year record. Concentration was 1.0 and 1.1 ml/L in 2010 and 2011, respectively. Hypoxia on the Canadian shelf is much less severe than off Oregon and Washington, and mortality of bottom life has not been reported.

  • From swissinfo.ch : Oceans could run out of oxygen

by Isobel Leybold-Johnson, swissinfo.ch
Feb 11, 2012 – 14:03

Global warming could lead to more of the world’s oceans becoming “dead zones” – where a lack of oxygen leads to marine life dying out.

This was the conclusion of recent analysis of marine oxygen conditions over the past 20,000 years, co-authored by the Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ).

Oceans are already oxygen-starved in places: every summer some areas of the northeastern Pacific see huge numbers of dead fish, shrimp or molluscs washed up on beaches.

This is caused by marine animals suffocating because the water contains too little of the vital O2 they need to breathe – or none at all. It is not only an ecological problem, the local fishing industry is affected as well.

Currently around 15 per cent of oceans are considered oxygen-depleted or anoxic “dead zones”.

“There’s been a very longstanding debate about the influence of global warming on the concentration of oxygen in the ocean, basically because the ocean oxygen concentration measurements of the past decades have not been very conclusive,” Samuel Jaccard from the ETHZ’s Geological Institute told swissinfo.ch.

This is why Jaccard and Eric Galbraith from McGill University in Canada decided to go back in time and reconstruct how the oxygen content has changed in oceans in the past 20,000 years, with the focus on the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

Temperature rise

Their study, published in Nature Geoscience, showed that the average global temperature rise of around at least two degrees Celsius between the peak and the end of the last Ice Age (between about 10,000-20,000 years ago) had a massive effect on the oxygen content of seawater.

“The warmer the global average temperature, the more extended the oxygen minimum zones are, so the volume of these oxygen-poor water bodies is more extended during warm periods than in cold periods,” Jaccard said.

What is worrying is that, currently, global average temperature is predicted to rise by at least two degrees in the coming century due to climate change. This is of a similar magnitude to the warming the planet has undergone since the last Ice Age 20,000 years ago.

“So we would assume that if, indeed, temperatures are increasing in the next 100 years, these oxygen minimum zones would also increase in volume and that the general oxygen concentration of the ocean will decrease,” Jaccard said.

And what is more: “our analysis has shown that not only was absolute temperature important, but also the rate of change, so the faster the warming, the more expanded these zones are”.

Oxygen in seawater mainly comes from gas exchange between the water’s surface and the atmosphere. As temperatures at the surface increase, the dissolved oxygen supply below the surface gets used up more quickly. It’s a little like turning down the oxygen pump in a fish tank, says Jaccard.

Suffering oceans

Dead zones are a topic well known to green campaigners and are not just limited to the biodiversity-rich deep oceans, explains Jochen Lamp, a marine expert at WWF in Germany.
They also affect the shallow seas like the Baltic Sea, which are subject to eutrophication: when nutrients from the land and agriculture cause over-enrichment of the water and the growth of algal blooms. These blooms then deplete the water’s oxygen.

But whereas it is easier to tackle shallow seas dead zones by controlling nutrient input, such as by having low nutrient agriculture, climate change adaptation is “a much more long lasting and complicated process”, said Lamp.

Even if countries such as Switzerland can agree on measures – the Rio+20 conference on sustainable development is scheduled for June – the change in the trend may not be seen for 50-70 years, he added.

Overall the world’s oceans are suffering: there is also overfishing and the other effects of climate change like the acidification of the waters.

Oceans are a delicately balanced ecosystem. “We hope that the balance will re-establish, but there is a lot of human impact in this imbalance and we do not yet know what will happen in reality during the next decades,” warned Lamp.

Isobel Leybold-Johnson, swissinfo.ch

Jaccard SL & Galbraith ED. Large climate-driven changes of oceanic oxygen concentrations during the last deglaciation.

The article was published online in Nature Geoscience on December 18, 2011. The research was highlighted in the ETH Life journal in January 2012.

Deep water in the North Pacific Ocean already has the most acidic water in the global ocean and the British Columbia continental shelf might see negative impacts of this feature sooner than most oceanic waters.

Oxygen depletion in the Gulf of Mexico has created a huge ‘dead zone,’ with major negative impacts on biodiversity and fisheries (MA 2005) (see Chapter 6).

4.4 Ocean Pollutants

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4.5.2 Introduced Species in the Marine Environment

One of the most  unexpected harmful things we do to the integrity of marine ecosystems is transfer organisms around the world by ballast tanks of the Marine Shipping Industry. This article on how a mapping system might be used to combat this problem may be useful:
Shipping map helps combat introduction of Invasive Species

Other references on this website address the issues of introduced or alien species that we have to be on the lookout for affecting our coastline:
Invasive Alien or Introduced  Species In Metchosin

5.0 Humans as part of Ocean Systems
