When will those humans stop abusing our beaches

A walk on Taylor beach today turned up the typical abuse that humans manage to perpetuate.


  • Plastic particles disposed in the marine environment which wash up on shore
  • Dog feces bags left on the beach
  • Garbage left from a party
    • Beach fires

The Green Bags of Taylor Beach

Almost every day on my stroll along Taylor Beach I encounter the trash of those who freely use this beautiful beach and yet are so thoughtless that they continue to leave bags of dog poop. These are just from today…

Who do they expect is going to clean up after them ?? Throwing the deposits directly in the ocean would be better than leaving these plastic bags on logs or suspended in the bushes.


Taylor Beach Land Slides in February 2016

This past week we have had a few days of extra heavy rainfall in Metchosin and  consequently the hazard land slopes of the Development Permit Area along the Taylor Beach bluff have certainly met the designation.  On the South end of the bluffs alone, at least ten new slides have left large gaps on the cliff and have deposited piles of vegetation on the beach. Residents on the top of the bluff are continuously at risk of losing property so development of any new structures or vegetation removal is inadvisable.

The following pictures were taken starting from the south end of the cliff toward the first corner heading North.