Quantifying Mitigation Performance
Reference Site Characterization
1. Choose a reference site near the proposed mitigation site. The reference site should be similar to the mitigation site in depth profile, substrate, turbidity, and disturbance regimes.
2. Within the reference site, take a minimum of 30 samples, either randomly or stratified randomly. Samples involve counting eelgrass shoots within a (minimum) 1⁄4 m2 area quadrat. Samples can be larger than 1⁄4 m squares, but all samples need to reference the area from which they were taken so that the data can be converted to shoot densities (#/m2).
3. Calculate the mean density of eelgrass at the reference site ( ̄x reference) as well as sample variance (s2).
Mitigation Area Extent
The objective of eelgrass mitigation is to replace lost shoots and an area equivalent to the impacted area. If the mean density of eelgrass is lower at the reference site than within the impact area, the size of the mitigation project needs to be enlarged such that the reference site has the same total number of shoots as the impact site. For example, if the project impacts an area of 10 m2, with a mean eelgrass density of 20 shoots/m2, while the reference area has a mean shoot density of 10 shoots/m2, the mitigation area would need to be at least 20 m2 (to achieve a 1:1 mitigation ratio). However, if the reference site has greater density than the impact area, no area adjustment to the mitigation site would be necessary to address density differences. In addition, other factors can influence mitigation ratios and thus the required size of the mitigation area.
Mitigation Sampling and Performance
Mitigation monitoring consists of sampling both the reference site and the mitigation area at three and five-years following the completion of the mitigation project. Sampling one year following project completion is recommended to detect early failures at the mitigation site, but the need for this can be determined on a site-specific basis. Enough samples must be taken at the two sites to be able to detect significant differences in eelgrass density at the mitigation site versus the reference site using the statistical considerations noted above. A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (Sample_Size_Calculator.xls) programmed to calculate the required sample size is provided by WDFW. Specific directions for entering data are included on the spreadsheet. The sample size calculator uses the following formula, modified from Zar (1999).
N = [2*s2reference/( ̄x reference – x ̄ mitigation)2] * (t α(1), v + t β(1), v)2
Eelgrass/Macroalgae Habitat Interim Survey Guidelines 5 of 6 (Rev. 06/16/2008)